death knights

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On mommy on the 14th day , isn't that a bit to early ?
Someone not playing "the fastest on the map" as I do would be dead :smile:.
What are the odds ?

Also , the death knights is a thing that goes both ways , can be used to the player advantage : they go in parties >750 mostly and only the AI is stupid enough to go against them even when outnumbered  :sad: .
Example (poor guy):

If I may I would sugest making them a separate faction , hunting the player even ,  but friendly to the AI (npc lords and other villains).
Maybe not hunting the player, because this would make super insanely large armies of death knights following you...And one group is really hard to deafeat, I can't imagine fighting 15k of those evil bastards. Making them neutral with AI would be a good idea tho.

Also, what units are best to counter those knights? I think Rhulg Destroyer are pretty effective, but I can't have enough of them.
Mixed army , cause they are mixed too.If you wanna play tactics that is. Because of their number archers at the start are important, I think.
For the knights themselves - vaegir spears.
Gaucho Pikemen mixed with Vaegir infantry, Sarranid Jezzails and Rhodok Condottieri worked somewhat, maybe because these are the best units for each class I guess.
That's what I tried with my cheat-char, but we were still defeated quite fast because I had so little army.
oooooh a oppurtunitty to look good defeating them! *clicks on mount and blade, loads game, exports character, gives him 2000 strength and 400 agility, plays, loads, gets huuuuuge army, fights them* yes thats what i hope happens
They came less than 10 days into my Mommy game.

I made a thread about this already, but my question here is more down to the root of it...

WHY are there these obscenely huge Death Knight armies roaming around the game in Mommy mode?  It seems to me like they're the big friggin drunk elephant in a room full of bickering family members.  Makes the whole warring factions seem... irrelevant compared to the threat of the Death Knights.
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