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How "mod-able" will Mount and Blade be?

Will it be limited to changing item and person editing such as now or will we be able to go deeper and edit "hard-coded" stuff which would allow for a very flexible mods to be made?

I wish to know because I'am starting a mod that I will not mention and wish to know how far I could take it.

Really, Iam wanting to be able to do things with the game that arnt possible yet. :grin:
i think someone mentioned that no parts of the engine can be changed, but "just about everything else can." the hard part is figuring out what "everything else" is.
We should be able to add in new weapons and armor, mounts, npcs, towns, battle grounds. Set up quests, things like that. Basically you can't change the physics or the skill/attribute system.

Note this is all conjecture, I am in now way involved with the development process.
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