Deadly Swadian men @ arms

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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Swadian men at arms seem to be one of the deadliest (if not the deadliest) unit in the game in v .703. Now, that the AI is finally able to do couched lance.

Most of the men at arms tend to equip a spear or a lance and ride hunters. These lesser knights are deadly not so much against human players (since humans know how to dodge better) but definitely against the AI allies... My units fear the men @ arms more than Swadian knights... :smile:

On another note: Vaegir riders do not seem to be as deadly: most of them equip maces and non-couchable polearms.
strange.... i haven't played that much with swadians, but on the other hand i usually play ALOT with Vaegir....

and my experiance is that Vaegir Men At Arms, tend to Use Spears almost EVERY time.

its when they become Knigths that they all of a sudden think that a Club is more of a "Gentlemans weapon" Honoring Chivalry maybe?
I agree, now that the AI can use polearms properly most mounted units are devastating. That's why it's worth getting your level high so you can upgrade to them :grin:
yes, all cavalry units that equip spears do couch. however, it seems swadians get better/faster horses... :smile:
On another note, I checked the stats of swadian knights and to my amusement found they were actually weaker than swadian men at arms... Look at these stats:

Strength: Swadian Men at Arms - 13, Swadian Knights - 10
Agility: Swadian Men at Arms - 16, Swadian Knights - 14
Riding: Swadian Men at Arms - 6, Swadian Knights - 5
Trade: Swadian Men at Arms - 2, Swadian Knights - 3
Hit Points: Swadian Men at Arms - 52, Swadian Knights - 53

It seems, the Swadian knigts are some sort of discouraged warriors/riders: merchant wannabes... Hmm... Is it intentional?
I think they might be too powerful otherwise. But men at arms are born warriors. Knights are born warriors-gone-politics-and-business.
Slaists said:
On another note, I checked the stats of swadian knights and to my amusement found they were actually weaker than swadian men at arms... Look at these stats:

Strength: Swadian Men at Arms - 13, Swadian Knights - 10
Agility: Swadian Men at Arms - 16, Swadian Knights - 14
Riding: Swadian Men at Arms - 6, Swadian Knights - 5
Trade: Swadian Men at Arms - 2, Swadian Knights - 3
Hit Points: Swadian Men at Arms - 52, Swadian Knights - 53

It seems, the Swadian knigts are some sort of discouraged warriors/riders: merchant wannabes... Hmm... Is it intentional?

wtf ? :shock:
You are right Garth . The knights where born (being the other childs of a nobleman , the second, the 3, etc.). The man-at-arms are free people hwo got there throught there own merits. That's why the ma@arms are better .
Garth said:
I think they might be too powerful otherwise. But men at arms are born warriors. Knights are born warriors-gone-politics-and-business.

I don't think they would be too powerful if their stats were more fighting oriented... They would just provide more challenge for players in the end-game...
Not sure where you got those stats from Slaists...

Men-at-arms are left, knights are right (EDIT: these are taken from the editor)

Strength: 12 | 11
Agility: 11 | 13
Intelligence: 10 | 8
Charisma: 7 | 13

Knights have shield +1 over men-at-arms, surgery and first aid +1, pathfinding +1, tactics +2, and inventory management -1.

Interestingly enough, vaegir knights increase strength and intelligence over agility, with only a small increase in charisma.
well, as revealed in another discussion: the stats for the units appear to be random. interestingly enough, they seem to be regenerated randomly from base 0 rather than from the "previous level"...

thus, you can have knigts whose stats sum up to whatever the total is for a lvl 25 character: however, the distribution can be very random, leading to a situation in which their "fighting stats" are actually inferior to the ones of the previous level's units.

on another note: the stats and abilities appear not to be generated in a consistent fashion. for example, you can have marnid with +3 in trade and only 7 in charisma, etc... it seems, the same applies for the regular units.

where did i get my stats from? from talking to my knights ('tell me about yourself' option). however, only later, i realized this probably gives the stats only of the top unit in the heap. the other knigths might very well be different. there is also no reason to believe, my knights have the same stats as someone else's knights.
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