Deadliest Warrior

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Hey everyone, I keep seeing topics about 'who would win in a fight, who's stronger, etc' and I was just thinking about the television show Deadliest Warrior. It comes on cable here in America at 9, and it pits random warriors throughout history against one another. They run an initial test with several weapon categories for each warrior, then give an advantage on how well the weapons performed on targets. Then, they run 1000 computer animated tests to see who would come out on top, then they air a reenactment of 1 vs. 1 battle of the two in real time. I was just wondering if anyone else had seen the show or I'm just making a poll for myself. Past episodes had Pirate vs. Knight, Samurai vs. Viking, Italian Mafia vs. Yakuza, and others. Please, feel free to comment on the warrior you think will emerge victorious.

Well this season of Deadliest Warrior has come to a close, and unfortunately I only got to make polls for a few of the battles. I figure if there is another season after this then I'll either start a "Mk. II" thread or continue this thread. Feel free to PM a battle you would like to see and I will make a poll for it just for fun, or I could even send in a request to the DW team. Anyway its been a pleasure reading your comments and thanks.

Past Results: Spetsnaz beat Green Berets by 7 fights. After a very close result in the simulation the Spetsnaz are revealed as the winners.

                    Maori Warrior was defeated by the Shaolin Monk in a close race.

                    William Wallace takes Shaka to town in a close battle. Wallace is the victor.

                    IRA blasts Taliban out of the water (quite literally) in a close match.
I wanna see the Spetznaz versus the Green Berets, I go for the Spetznaz cause the Green Beret dudes suck, If it were Marines or Forced Recon then the Spetznaz would definitely lose
I would go with Spetsnaz in a straight up hand-to-hand, but it kind of depends on the circumstances, considering that Special Forces do, in fact, engage in special warfare. I think the Green Berets are more effective at the kinds of missions they go on, but the Spetsnaz are more heavily trained in combat. Now, if we were comparing Spetsnaz and Delta, or SAS, or SEALs, I might vote differently.

We are assuming that Spetsnaz are using AKs and Green Berets are using M16s, yes?

HAbasta said:
I wanna see the Spetznaz versus the Green Berets, I go for the Spetznaz cause the Green Beret dudes suck, If it were Marines or Forced Recon then the Spetznaz would definitely lose

................................................................I truly hope that was a joke. I truly, truly do.
Yeah that's a safe bet for medium range, They usually do long range, medium range, hand-to-hand/short range, then special. The shower is American biased though, so that may play a role.
Well, at long-range, Green Berets win hands-down. M16 is just more accurate than the AK. Medium range, it could swing either way, but would probably favor the Spetsnaz, and in hand-to-hand combat, the Spetsnaz would win easily. In terms of special warfare, I'd say the Green Berets are more effective.

But I'd rather see Spetsnaz against SAS or Delta.
HAbasta said:
I think the Green Berets would be using the AR-15 not M-16

.................................I truly hope that was a joke. I truly, truly do.

Considering the M16 is a military weapon and the AR-15 is a civilian weapon.
The correct analogue to Spetsnaz in the U.S. military is the Rangers, not the Green Berets. Green Berets are incredibly good at what they do, but their primary mission is not to fight a direct engagement with the enemy.
Well in that case Green Berets are outdated as well... Uh yeah they are actually. And they don't have to be the same time period. A few weeks ago they had a Gladiator and and Apache Indian..
Spawn Of Achilles said:
Well in that case Green Berets are outdated as well... Uh yeah they are actually. And they don't have to be the same time period. A few weeks ago they had a Gladiator and and Apache Indian..
That one pissed me off the Gladiator had him at the end lol
HAbasta said:
LOL ok whatever dudes Border Patrol uses it and thier not Civilians are they?

Here's a quick suggestion.

HAbasta said:
Mage246 said:
The correct analogue to Spetsnaz in the U.S. military is the Rangers, not the Green Berets.
But its Spetsnaz versus Green Berets not Rangers

Thank you, for the obvious.
The Mercenary said:
That depends on the circumstances.
then every fight between different figher-sorts would depend on circumstances, why not saying that at every of those stupid threads at the sage guild?? :???:
Hietala said:
m16s are outdated, G36s is the new **** :lol:
HK 416, actually. G36 doesn't have Picatinny rails, so it got rejected by the US Army.

HAbasta said:
LOL ok whatever dudes Border Patrol uses it and thier not Civilians are they?
Federal law enforcement.

Kobrag said:
SAS would own the crap out of both.
Depends on a lot of things.

Hietala said:
The Mercenary said:
That depends on the circumstances.
then every fight between different figher-sorts would depend on circumstances, why not saying that at every of those stupid threads at the sage guild?? :???:
We do, it gets ignored.
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