.dds converter and a good program for texturing beginners

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i would like to know a good program for texturing, like if i wanted to change the heraldric armor i would like to know if theres a good program (free) that i could start with, im a beginner.

woah i just realised i wrote in wrong forum, could a moderator move this thread?
@ www.jasc.com you can get a trial (30 day I think) Version of Paint shop Pro, that can do everything in the texture department. Give it a try!
thats great thanks alot but is it user friendly...

like the heraldric armor what if i just wanted to change it to like the color purple, what could i do the change the color without removing the parts where its i cant seem to find the word but i mean, some parts are dark some parts are a little more bright to resemple real clothing, is there some tool that i could just change each contrast to a purple so the dark parts are dark purple and the bright parts are bright purple...

i hope you get the picture..
I have done a lot of retexturing for the game morrowind, and I use GIMP (Based on psp, free, open source) and irfanview (tiny prog to convert dds to others and back). I have found this setup wanting for nothing :smile:
If you want to do the above thing, then use 'colorize' from GIMP. Its pretty staightforward.
Links: www.gimp.org/
thanks a bunch, remember if you got more useful advice please tell me as i am just a beginner.
DXTBmp is a great free program, originally intended for Flightsim '02/CFS2.
Deals with Alpha maps and such, you can't do any real editing in it, but it has an awesome 'Send to Editor' and a 'Refresh after Edit' function, which basicly sends the image to an editor instantly, and you save once your done then use the 'Refresh after Edit' button. It can save .dds files in multiple formats too, but most M&B .dds files are DXT1 or DXT1 (No Alpha), but it'll tell you what format the original .dds file is at the bottom of the screen.

It also does .TGA files and their Alphas.
ok i have made the heraldric armor black, by fiddling around didnt exactly know what i was doing :oops:

now i just want to know i want to replace the lion with a white cross but i wanna keep the resemblence of cloth so its not just a white mark on it i hope you understand what i mean. and i also wanna do a white line at the bottom that goes around.

heres an image

to sum it up white cross and a white line at the bottom that goes around the skirt thingy. oh and i also dont want it to shine that much.. (dynamic lightnign is off on the picture but if you enable its lightning will blind you)

yes yes exactly the st john hospitaller thats perfect!

how did you do that?

lol i just noticed your sig, ive seen you at valandil, i follow that mod... its great!
Well, here ya go then:

I think you know what to do with it.

I've been doing this for about 7 years, since I was 9, the editor I like to use is PhotoImpact by Ulead, came with my old DigiCam. Basicly, I greyed out the surcoat, then darkened it and added contrast as necessary. Then, I go find a suitable cross, in this case a search on google for 'medieval cross' got me a nice looking yellow cross with lobate ends, cut it out of the reference image resize, add some transparency and adjust color, and there ya have it, just drag n drop.
The white trim is basicly a selected rectangle which is lightened the same way you'd darken it. You can probably do this in most editors that have the necessary features. The last thing I did was sharpen it up a little and add some more contrast to bring out the color and detail, all the other textures in my M&B are the same way.
thats very nice, where did you get inspiration for this texture?

i saw the movie kingdom of heaven, and there was this hospitaler that died later when Guy attacked Saladin in the desert. and i liked his surcoat.

but anways i thinks it better if i do it myself, ill try find a cross in google
the lion is gone now how can i make a white rim but still have the resemblence of cloth at the bottom? uh wait let me think...

i select a rectangle and... i coulorize it white?
Making something white/silvre is really tough to do. YOu have to select it whichever way selects it most accuratelyt and edit the Hue/Saturation and desaturate it so it has no color and bring up the brightness till its white.
Does PSP have a clone tool? Thats what I used on PhotoImpact, its like a brush, you select a certain spot on the texture and then paint it over another, useful for all kinds of things.
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