Well, here ya go then:
I think you know what to do with it.
I've been doing this for about 7 years, since I was 9, the editor I like to use is PhotoImpact by Ulead, came with my old DigiCam. Basicly, I greyed out the surcoat, then darkened it and added contrast as necessary. Then, I go find a suitable cross, in this case a search on google for 'medieval cross' got me a nice looking yellow cross with lobate ends, cut it out of the reference image resize, add some transparency and adjust color, and there ya have it, just drag n drop.
The white trim is basicly a selected rectangle which is lightened the same way you'd darken it. You can probably do this in most editors that have the necessary features. The last thing I did was sharpen it up a little and add some more contrast to bring out the color and detail, all the other textures in my M&B are the same way.