Day 368

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Glorious day 368, for most it is filled with chaos and romans. For me, it's empty and is now day 389. No romans, thats right. For some reason they didn't come. Is it because I'm 'not' a seperate Kingdom and instead the Grand Marshal of the Rhodoks with 600 men, one castle. I "don't" have the newest version of SOD, I have the version without the special art and I'm not sure the version number. I'm assuming it's the Kingdom that I dont have, and I'm wondering If I seperate all the romans will suddenly attack, and if they do whether they can handle me.
Dublin said:
Glorious day 368, for most it is filled with chaos and romans. For me, it's empty and is now day 389. No romans, thats right. For some reason they didn't come. Is it because I'm 'not' a seperate Kingdom and instead the Grand Marshal of the Rhodoks with 600 men, one castle. I "don't" have the newest version of SOD, I have the version without the special art and I'm not sure the version number. I'm assuming it's the Kingdom that I dont have, and I'm wondering If I seperate all the romans will suddenly attack, and if they do whether they can handle me.
You are probably using V4 so they should come on day 366. I am pretty sure that it does not matter whether or not you have your own faction, although playing as a lord for 389 days is a long time.
If you did not get the message saying the Legion arrived/they did not declare war on everyone at once, then they did not arrive. I do not know what would cause them to not appear, so maybe it is because you did not have a kingdom. Vonmistont would be the person that would know.
Version 4.1 randomizes their arrival time.  You can use the "quick-start" menu, under "oracle", to see when they're destined to come (if you're using 4.1).
I think that you're using the unpatched V4 version (SF if you have the strategic map available from the camp dialog screen)
And I had the same case as yours, the legion did not arrive YET, but eventually the Legion did come, for my case, it was 1-2 weeks later, I don't really recall the exact time.

As Jason answered, you will be noticed by a prompting message and Legion peace agreement with all kingdoms will be denounced, hence war on the Rhodoks in your case.
  I'm playing with the March 31st version.  I do have my own kingdom and it is day 400.  No invasion yet.  A bit disappointing at first.  I gathered up a personal army of 900+ men on day 365 (using regiments of course) and went for a stroll.  An eight day stroll.  Finally stuck them all in a city again.  Now I'm taking advantage of the time by leveling all the base infantry and archers in my towns.
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