Speaking to the Trainer
One of the first people you speak to is the Trainer, to go beat champions and get into the tournaments.
Once done fighting a given engagement, you come back to town somewhat further away from the trainer facing the other way.
It would be better if when exiting him you are standing in the same spot and direction from which you first entered.
A typo
When speaking with Marnid Rhalers in the starter town, I have a conversation wherein at one point I say (spelled as in game), "My symphaties friend."
Should be sympathies.
You are slightly disadvantaged.
You are wtfpwned!
I realize now that going into combat with something that has a red [12] by it means that there are 12 enemy. We learn by doing.
However, this is not a slight disadvantage, it's a great one.
Also, I'm finding the minimal possible engagement is [4]. I beat those [4] once tonight, the first time out. The battle took nearly 45 minutes. Ever since they are destroying me even though my skills are improving on horse and with weaponry.
I need an army
However, my army is a mob with pitchforks. It included my first time out [2] dudes that got pasted before I could get my horse turned around.
Therefore I spent all my wampum buying jerks that couldn't defend themselves. It takes time for these to grow into good soldiers, but time is against me.
The thought here is that, without sacrificing all my clothes, and the newbie shield, I should be able to mount some kind of reasonable force. Nothing awesome, but at least something that will not get put on trial and hanged before I can get into the fight.
The learning curve, concerning what I should sacrifice in order to survive the first week, or build a force of soldiers, is too high. This should be corrected down somewhat, or the [2] guys should be corrected up somewhat. Give them more power, or make them cheaper.
This may not be feasible, since I don't understand the higher level yet. Perhaps a starting gang of punks with equal skills as are currently in the game, but free.
The best for last...
Slideshow Bob
Often, when changing perspective, or first engaging in close-up combat, I lag out so badly I take several hits before it recovers.
I'm not sure why this happens, but it does seem to occur more often than not when looking towards my rear angle. (behind me)
It does happen when facing the opponent as well. It is also happening when trying to face directly at NPCs, such as the trainer mentioned above, though not always.
Some Pluses
The opening training fights seem to be rather well balanced.
And the combat is diabolically fun, in fact I was discussing recently this style of combat for an MMO design.
The shadows and lighting are nice.
One of the first people you speak to is the Trainer, to go beat champions and get into the tournaments.
Once done fighting a given engagement, you come back to town somewhat further away from the trainer facing the other way.
It would be better if when exiting him you are standing in the same spot and direction from which you first entered.
A typo
When speaking with Marnid Rhalers in the starter town, I have a conversation wherein at one point I say (spelled as in game), "My symphaties friend."
Should be sympathies.
You are slightly disadvantaged.
You are wtfpwned!
I realize now that going into combat with something that has a red [12] by it means that there are 12 enemy. We learn by doing.
However, this is not a slight disadvantage, it's a great one.
Also, I'm finding the minimal possible engagement is [4]. I beat those [4] once tonight, the first time out. The battle took nearly 45 minutes. Ever since they are destroying me even though my skills are improving on horse and with weaponry.
I need an army
However, my army is a mob with pitchforks. It included my first time out [2] dudes that got pasted before I could get my horse turned around.
Therefore I spent all my wampum buying jerks that couldn't defend themselves. It takes time for these to grow into good soldiers, but time is against me.
The thought here is that, without sacrificing all my clothes, and the newbie shield, I should be able to mount some kind of reasonable force. Nothing awesome, but at least something that will not get put on trial and hanged before I can get into the fight.
The learning curve, concerning what I should sacrifice in order to survive the first week, or build a force of soldiers, is too high. This should be corrected down somewhat, or the [2] guys should be corrected up somewhat. Give them more power, or make them cheaper.
This may not be feasible, since I don't understand the higher level yet. Perhaps a starting gang of punks with equal skills as are currently in the game, but free.
The best for last...
Slideshow Bob
Often, when changing perspective, or first engaging in close-up combat, I lag out so badly I take several hits before it recovers.
I'm not sure why this happens, but it does seem to occur more often than not when looking towards my rear angle. (behind me)
It does happen when facing the opponent as well. It is also happening when trying to face directly at NPCs, such as the trainer mentioned above, though not always.
Some Pluses
The opening training fights seem to be rather well balanced.
And the combat is diabolically fun, in fact I was discussing recently this style of combat for an MMO design.
The shadows and lighting are nice.