Dawn of the Dead mod

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I think it would be pretty cool if someone made a Dawn of the Dead mod for this game. All bandit spawns would be replaced by zombies wearing regular clothing and holding hand weapons like peasants, and they would have a ton of armor in the torso and legs but none for the head.

Armor would be replaced by things like camo vests, leather jackets, riot gear, kevlar vests, military helmets, police helmets, motorcycle helmets, etc. Shields could be trash can lids, riot shields, old shelves from a filing cabinet, that sort of thing.

Weapons would include your every-day peasant weapons (minus scythe) as well as bolt-action rifles, billy clubs, baseball bats, machetes, maybe rarely a katana, and shotguns.

Shotguns would have to be reloaded after every shot, greater damage, no splash damage but quick reload and much worse range than rifles and also they can be fired from horseback or the back of a motorcycle.

Horses could be replaced by motorcycles in some instances. I bet you that somebody talented enough could skin a motorcycle skin for a horse. Some of the towns would be abandoned and the Vaegirs and Swadians would be divided into warring factions of survivors with different sets of ideals, one right-wing and the other left-wing.

There are plenty of upgrade paths for the survivor groups, Manhunters replaced by Zombie Hunters, Dark Knights replaced by Crazed Militants, and all other bandits replaced by various zombie spawns.

I know it would take a lot of work and I doubt it would ever see the light of day short of a miracle, I just thought it would be pretty cool.
i'll try.
"if you do the same amount of rescearch you did for my crusade mod" lol, jk.

you did realise you were the only one posting usful suggestions in my crusade mod.

PS: Is brutal damage welcomed?
SUre man. Actually I'm working on my own Crusade mod and trying to make it as realistic as possible (I'm a history major in college and I specialize in the Middle East). Some tools from the Huge Mod like the templar armor and shields and muslim shields will help a lot
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