I wonder how many of you is familiar with such an enigmatic name as NWN Vault.
It will be clear for Those who already know NWN Vault - what the above subject refers to.
Those not familiar I would like to encourage to check this link (it will explain clearly what is on my mind):
Neverwinter Nights Vault
Its a portal website uniting society of players and users of one specific game (which one it is not relevant for our needs). Our goal was to collect and keep all or at least as many as posible resources relating to this game just in one place.
The point is not to collect and keep may of the final products such as mods!
Nothing like thata. The point is to have a website with resources catogorised and kept in most efficient way to help typical user find not only perticular mod itself, but what is even more important, any resources this user at the moment needs (monsters, maps, sounds, scripts, items, ideas, graphics etc)
Let say forexample that one of the users, a modeler, is perfect in creating characters for Star Wars mod. Why don't give him possibility to share his work with others. Everubodu could use his work on a Freeware rules and then include same in their own projects?
Somebody is very sufficient in making awsome uniforms and weapons (for mod Festung Breslau for example). Imagine that his or her experience helps to create a serie of Second World War mods.
Still it is not the end. Somebody creates creatures (animals / monsters etc). It would be great for M&B scene to be able to have an access to such a kind of database containing all the neccesary recourses. As per Freeware usage policy we wolud be able to use all these resources in our work in our projects, sharing our experience with others at the same time, to make our mods even more outstanding.
Needless to say that mod is not made from models only.
What makes a good mod?
Everything counts. Maps, objects, cities, villages, interiors, and what is most important - game mechanics itself. Scripts making our mod alive, schemes, plans and even ideas how to implement them in most efficient way.
Here comes the moment when we quite often need a script or a system for any reason (new transport sytem, bartering, craftmanship, npc actions etc). Often if we are stuck we have an option to write such a sytem by ourselves from the beginning. We may not be aware that maybe such a system is already done by somebody else, the working system, sometimes even better than we planned or might expect .
If it would be possible to settle such a portal database it might be most efficient, the largest base of useful resources in the world, available for everone. Being a great scripte does not mean that you are a good modeller at the same time. If you would have an option to use of already made, excellent buidlings and matching interiors or start from scratch, what would yu choose?
Maybe it is a time to create such a portal?
Best Regards
(I'm writing on pc_maniac's request)
It will be clear for Those who already know NWN Vault - what the above subject refers to.
Those not familiar I would like to encourage to check this link (it will explain clearly what is on my mind):
Neverwinter Nights Vault
Its a portal website uniting society of players and users of one specific game (which one it is not relevant for our needs). Our goal was to collect and keep all or at least as many as posible resources relating to this game just in one place.
The point is not to collect and keep may of the final products such as mods!
Nothing like thata. The point is to have a website with resources catogorised and kept in most efficient way to help typical user find not only perticular mod itself, but what is even more important, any resources this user at the moment needs (monsters, maps, sounds, scripts, items, ideas, graphics etc)
Let say forexample that one of the users, a modeler, is perfect in creating characters for Star Wars mod. Why don't give him possibility to share his work with others. Everubodu could use his work on a Freeware rules and then include same in their own projects?
Somebody is very sufficient in making awsome uniforms and weapons (for mod Festung Breslau for example). Imagine that his or her experience helps to create a serie of Second World War mods.
Still it is not the end. Somebody creates creatures (animals / monsters etc). It would be great for M&B scene to be able to have an access to such a kind of database containing all the neccesary recourses. As per Freeware usage policy we wolud be able to use all these resources in our work in our projects, sharing our experience with others at the same time, to make our mods even more outstanding.
Needless to say that mod is not made from models only.
What makes a good mod?
Everything counts. Maps, objects, cities, villages, interiors, and what is most important - game mechanics itself. Scripts making our mod alive, schemes, plans and even ideas how to implement them in most efficient way.
Here comes the moment when we quite often need a script or a system for any reason (new transport sytem, bartering, craftmanship, npc actions etc). Often if we are stuck we have an option to write such a sytem by ourselves from the beginning. We may not be aware that maybe such a system is already done by somebody else, the working system, sometimes even better than we planned or might expect .
If it would be possible to settle such a portal database it might be most efficient, the largest base of useful resources in the world, available for everone. Being a great scripte does not mean that you are a good modeller at the same time. If you would have an option to use of already made, excellent buidlings and matching interiors or start from scratch, what would yu choose?
Maybe it is a time to create such a portal?
Best Regards
(I'm writing on pc_maniac's request)