Dark Tower Mod?

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Lord Shields

Sergeant at Arms
Curious... I'd be interested in playing it... but has there been a Dark Tower based mod? You know, the books by Stephen King.

Mhm, that would be very cool, I love the Dark Tower series. But I think it´s too hard to implement it into MaB.
I know nothing of this series, but from the pic it looks fantasy/westernish? Sweet-talking the 1866 team (Probably a long time after they've released) would be a good way to go.
Tintin said:
i've made a dark tower in one of my mods. what is the story of the book
He said the dark tower, not a mod with a dark tower.
shinychaos94 said:
Tintin said:
i've made a dark tower in one of my mods. what is the story of the book
He said the dark tower, not a mod with a dark tower.
yes but i'm guessing it features a dark tower and i thought i could make a mod around it when i had the time
Wow. My second fondest dream will come true! I hope. I have a nice revolvers.
(My first fondest dream is already done, look at my sig.)
Clegane said:
Wow. My second fondest dream will come true!
(My first fondest dream is already done, look at my sig.)
What you're Ukranian, a Russian or an anarchist?
Me Ukrainian anarchist, but that's not the matter. The matter is that when we repair our  forum, I ask our moddeler about revolvers and if the answer positive - you'll get them.
Magic + Western World + Feudal society? I'm really interested how the author create the books  :razz:
He writes them, I guess.

Anyway. The worlds of the Dark Tower seem a bit too complex to really work in M&B, unless you wanted to stick with one aspect of the story instead of the whole multiverse-spanning saga. I could see a mod focusing on one storyline or one world, maybe featuring the gunslingers of Gilead versus the Good Man. And as for eye candy, I'd love to see Lud as a playable scene, complete with the requisite hordes of Grays. You could even add unique companions who are "drawn" into the world, to be picked up either by the servants of the Beam or the thralls of the Crimson King...

Hmm. Invisible demons could be fun, too...
A revolver by Rockwell, with his permisson
attackrat said:
Hmm. Invisible demons could be fun, too...

Ha, I don't think we would put that into the mod, it might bump it to an A rating.  :wink:

However, you have a good point. The actual story of Roland and his katet would be much to difficult for the MaB engine, mostly from the story telling perspective.  However, a type of prequel to the books would be fantastic.  The war between Gilead and the Good Men has plenty of larger scale battles, and would only require western weapons. 

However, this is all speculation, of course, as this is just another mod idea.  Without actual action, it will die out like all the others.
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