Dark Knights

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Hey, I just started playing this mod and I've got one question: how hard it is to beat the Dark Knights? I'm not sure that I will be strong enough to beat them after those 70 days (not sure about the number right now). How many castles, towns and vassals should I have before they start raiding Calradia?
Thanks guys, awesome mod.
You can postpone their invasion through the Camp Menu -> Take an Action. Lots of other nice choices in there too (incluing the godsend of turning off your companions' bickering).

It's not impossible to beat them, and you'll have a lot of fun figuring out how to do it.

For your first game, Day 70 is a bit soon. My first game of NE, I turned off the invasion till I was well settled in, round about day 300.

Apparently, their strength is based on your Level at that point, so when they invaded, they near wiped me off the map, capturing about a third of the entire map (mostly from me). The more common experience seems to be if they invade at day 70, then they mess around a bit and don't take many castles, while getting whittled down by other armies. I can't say this is absolutely correct though.

I suggest leaving them until you've got to grips with all the other great features (for example the kingdom management stuff), then summoning them immediately.
As they do not hunt down player they are not too dangerous. An army of equal or greater size of decent shooters and plated cavalry can defeat them. And you can always trap them in ladder castle to shoot them all down and harvest their armor and premium equipment.

They're dangerous but it is still only an army of elites and super elites without human brains. As their shooters are dead and not all of the rest foes are close to your firing line - they are beaten. You just need to survive the first round.

Their Lady is a crazy witch though, worth 5500 EXP :smile:
sher said:
As they do not hunt down player they are not too dangerous. An army of equal or greater size of decent shooters and plated cavalry can defeat them. And you can always trap them in ladder castle to shoot them all down and harvest their armor and premium equipment.

They're dangerous but it is still only an army of elites and super elites without human brains. As their shooters are dead and not all of the rest foes are close to your firing line - they are beaten. You just need to survive the first round.

Their Lady is a crazy witch though, worth 5500 EXP :smile:

I saw her kill my 1 elite arbalestier, then about 50 of us archers/xbowmen shot her in the face, she looked like a pin cushion.
Lady (not sure she deserves the lady thing) Lartkin its not a crazy witch, she is the biggest butcher w***e i have ever seen. First time i met her i was cutting through their footmen like butter with my 52 level char when i found myself in front of her and man...what a damn suprise, before i could even say WTF she hit me twice nearly killing me. The next minute was me parrying without even a chance to answer and finally after losing my shield she was able to deal the final hit.

The big trouble i have found fighting the Dark Knights is their tactics, even if you can cut off their lords and fight them one by one, they will still have a very dangerous numerical advantage the first battle.
I love Lady Larktin. With ~72 strength, 63 agility*, 12 in all her stats, ~500 weapon skills, and a sword that does ~72 slashing damage per slash and ~56 piercing per thrust, a nigh unbreakable shield, a nigh immortal warhorse**, who couldn't?

*Don't remember exact stats.
**Two couched lance charges, six javelins, and several thrusts from a spear head on to dehorse her.
You can defeat her easily if you used an ivory bow w/ ivory arrow in one shot....
if you only have good hands... :wink:
Run away and try to kill a woman from the distance is even worse than be defeated by that woman.

Bows are the choice of the coward, crossbows are the choice of the useless coward. :mrgreen:
You deserve to win if you get the high... 52 was the highest I ever got, and that's with importing into many many games...
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