dark khergit knights

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I'm confused.

Two units in the game: Black Khergits ... and Dark Knights.

Two units I've never seen: black knights ... and dark khergit knights.

What exactly are we talking about here??

black knights: the negroid variation of dark knights - very deadly, but suffer excessive fatigue effects in snow... dark khergit knights on the other hand are very long range magical attack units that prefer to stay behind the lines: actually, behind that box wall that surrounds the battlefield. that's why you never see them :sad: but you can feel them, every time your lance is doing that dreaded 0-couched lance damage...
allright kids, you've had your fun :grin:

i asuume you mean the khergits that appear in the northern parts of Calradia. my answer would be that they can be deadly if you dont have shield or a fast horse. they also seem to have somekind of obsession with polearms which is always a nasty thing in an enemy. they are not for the low-lever charcter. not atleast in my opinion.
Yup, khergits are bad, nasty polearms + they use bows. Dark knights and hunters are easier as long as you are faster than them. And the less they use polearms the easier. Just slayed a pack of dark knights and hunters, 35 was their total number. They were in combat with farmers and such and i joined it... and guess what. NO LOOT! I'm pissed off.
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