Damn You Vaegir Knights!!!!!!!!!!! (Siege questions)

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Knight at Arms
Okay, I'm trying to create a siege, and I at first tried to use the Unofficial Editor to break up Janus' Arena Expansion mod, so I could see how to do it, somewhat. Now I think I've learned some, and so I'm trying to put troops into the scene Reyvadin_siege (which is referenced in the Reyvadin menu, btw). It's hard, as I'm trying to make the troops in the scene static, while using the player's army (which can, obviously, change, over time). However, no matter what I do, I ALWAYS get six Vaegir knights in the scene (though I can change my army's composition, and my men still appear as they should), even though they're referenced nowhere in the menu file as a consequence--any ideas?
I'm no good at this stuff, granted, but is it not possible to make a siegable town like a static party? Like you put your cursor over it and it says

12 Vaegir Knights
10 Vaegir Idiots
The six knights are a natural consequence of the rivacheg party line. Sounds like you've messed up the menu entry or are trying a jump to a scene on the world map (you can't do that, you have to jump to menus).

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about the unofficial editor to help you out. With python files, however, I could tell you how to create a "siegable town" (if I understand what you want).
I've spent a lot of time fiddling with this as well, creating a siege for Storymod, and every charge-type battle fought while the party is at a town location will use the troops listed for that town in the parties file. It will replenish these troops every time you start a battle, too, which is half useful and half annoying.

Problem is you can't siege a town at the town itself via the menus, unless you converse with someone in that town which could jump you to a siege scene.

Alternatively, you generate a "siege" outside of the town and go there instead. It's not that tough. I could give you details of how to set that up if you're using python files.
@ General_Specific--I might be able to do that (maybe not--it sounds like it should be easy, but it might not be), but I think that if I did, I wouldn't be able to use a set scene, and as such, wouldn't be able to know where all the troops will be deployed on the battle field, nor whether the walls will work out alright on that map.

@ Khalid--If you'd be so kind, I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me--I could try to put it into the Editor, or if not, I could try to make it work with the python files (though I'm having troubles combining the Editor and the Python files).
(Btw--If it makes any difference, I'm modding Reyvadin, not Rivacheg (although I get mixed up too, which causes problems :mad: ).)

@ Winter--It gets wierder. I took the time to kill four of the Vaegir knights in the scene, then went back in, and only two were left. Then, I killed them (and got loot), and now when I go to the scene, they aren't there, and I get a "battle won" message --they don't respawn.
At any rate, can this party thing be changed in the Editor in the parties file?

Thanks guys for taking the time to help. :smile:
Khalid ibn Walid said:
Problem is you can't siege a town at the town itself via the menus, unless you converse with someone in that town which could jump you to a siege scene.
Yes you can, I've done it. It's really pretty easy to work. What problems were you running into?

@ Winter--It gets wierder. I took the time to kill four of the Vaegir knights in the scene, then went back in, and only two were left. Then, I killed them (and got loot), and now when I go to the scene, they aren't there, and I get a "battle won" message --they don't respawn.
At any rate, can this party thing be changed in the Editor in the parties file?
I believe they respawn if you link your menu option directly to mnu_default_encounter or one of the other battle-related menus. Which you can.

Not sure what you are asking, nor have I much experience in these matters, but...

I think you can get static troops by script-spawning them in the game menu (e.g. using set_visitor) rather than letting encounter_attack do all the work for you? You'd need a new mission template for fine control of who does what where (the standard charge template just seems to throw all the enemies at entry points 3 and 4, I think). Did you try all that?
I think the best thing to do is create a terrain with the terrain generator, write down the code, create a new area using the unnoficial editor, use your code, link to that particular area through a conversation, add castle walls etc with the scene editor, etc...

This way you can have full control of the scene and not have to deal with any preset values. I think this is how janus accomplished the arena mod as well.

Of course, the next problem you run into is soldiers walking into walls, and not attempting to go around them. But you can deal with that once you get there. :grin:
Winter said:
Yes you can, I've done it. It's really pretty easy to work. What problems were you running into?

I misspoke. I didn't mean via the menus. I mean as a menu, or rather instead of the menus. On the world map, you can't "jump to scene" in a party encounter, but only "jump to menu". (at least that's how I remember it. Haven't tried it in a while).
Stonewall382 said:
@ Khalid--If you'd be so kind, I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me--I could try to put it into the Editor, or if not, I could try to make it work with the python files (though I'm having troubles combining the Editor and the Python files).(Btw--If it makes any difference, I'm modding Reyvadin, not Rivacheg (although I get mixed up too, which causes problems :mad: ).)

Can you explain exactly what you want to happen when you reach Rivacheg/Reyvadin?
Khalid ibn Walid said:
I misspoke. I didn't mean via the menus. I mean as a menu, or rather instead of the menus. On the world map, you can't "jump to scene" in a party encounter, but only "jump to menu". (at least that's how I remember it. Haven't tried it in a while).
Why would you need to, though? You can easily do it via a menu, by using mnf_auto_enter, which immediately throws you into a scene the same way as Zendar and the Salt Mine. You can set consequence blocks for this however you like. I can even think of a way to do this for roving parties. Just have a look at the entry for Zendar in module_game_menus.py.

Winter said:
Why would you need to, though? You can easily do it via a menu, by using mnf_auto_enter, which immediately throws you into a scene the same way as Zendar and the Salt Mine. You can set consequence blocks for this however you like. I can even think of a way to do this for roving parties. Just have a look at the entry for Zendar in module_game_menus.py.

Which is why I am looking for Stonewall382 to clarify his dilemma and how he set it up/wants it set up.

I needed it because I had to set up roving cities (mayfields, fairs), and the auto-entry doesn't apply then.
Okay guys, I think I kind of have it working--I uploaded it to Janus' site. What I did was, I had the menu go to a mission template I created (ala fisheye's suggestion :wink: ), and worked from there. It should be decipherable (not a word) by you genii (also not a word), if any of you would like to download it.
However, it's hard to use, because I don't understand how to make "set_visitor" work in the Unofficial Editor for this, so I had to just put twenty-some guys in the scene, then conduct trial-and-error to get who I wanted where. And if any of the men in the scene die, the whole thing goes awry, and the correlation between man and entry point gets all jumbled up again.

At any rate, as before, I appreciate your help, and hope I can learn more. :smile:

Btw, I made the other thread so that people can critique the mod or give suggestions or whatnot; I'd like it if this one could stay technical. Thanks. :grin:
Having specific enemy troops set before the battle (via set_visitor) but having troops picked from your party (like a normal battle) is possible. The main thing that needs fiddling is the mission template.
I was helping Raz set up a test for this, hope he doesn't mind me posting this:

To test it, talk to Constable Hareck. Extremely basic and the dialog sets the enemies all as the same, but it's basically just a proof of concept. Also, if you fall it currently just dumps you back to the world map, but that of course could be changed.
Khalid ibn Walid said:
Which is why I am looking for Stonewall382 to clarify his dilemma and how he set it up/wants it set up.

I needed it because I had to set up roving cities (mayfields, fairs), and the auto-entry doesn't apply then.
Doesn't apply? But . . . You just make a party like Dhorak Keep without the flag pf_is_static, and/or a party template without pf_auto_start_dialog. Then the game should go to a menu just like with towns.

Winter said:
Doesn't apply? But . . . You just make a party like Dhorak Keep without the flag pf_is_static, and/or a party template without pf_auto_start_dialog. Then the game should go to a menu just like with towns.

I tried many things, much of the obvious stuff didn't work. The one that finally worked like a charm was to create a party template and a "jump_to_menu" command in the encounter dialogue.
Khalid ibn Walid said:
I tried many things, much of the obvious stuff didn't work. The one that finally worked like a charm was to create a party template and a "jump_to_menu" command in the encounter dialogue.
Hmm. Well, I won't boggle, since I've had plenty of encounters with stuff that fails to work for no logical reason. And having to develop elaborate workarounds.

Keep fightin' the good fight, brother.

Alright boys, I'm spent. Six hours and no progress later, I'm still trying to use the set visitor thing fisheye mentioned, but for some reason, the game crashes whenever I try to put a tenth soldier in the scene. Nine soldiers work fine, and all go to their correct entry points, but as soon as I try to put a tenth in the scene, the game crashes, giving me an error message reading:
"Error in opcode=20033, param0=16777249 param1=83886108" .
Any idea what to do?
Stonewall382 said:
Alright boys, I'm spent. Six hours and no progress later, I'm still trying to use the set visitor thing fisheye mentioned, but for some reason, the game crashes whenever I try to put a tenth soldier in the scene. Nine soldiers work fine, and all go to their correct entry points, but as soon as I try to put a tenth in the scene, the game crashes, giving me an error message reading:
"Error in opcode=20033, param0=16777249 param1=83886108" .
Any idea what to do?

Are you trying to do something like reg(10) somewhere? I think there are only 10 registers 0-9?
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