Damage types specials

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First of all, I know some of these ideas've already been mentioned, but I'd like to mention mine more specific.. Here goes:

At the current state of the game, damage types don't have their own specific benefits/disadvantage, so I'd like to suggest the following; implementing a very small chance of critical attacks specific to the damage types dealt, adding a bit of strategic weapon choice to the game.

Rough proposals:
Chop/Slash; Adding the chance to severe or disable a limb/body part.
When severed (not about the graphical effect) the bodypart can never be used anymore, so even if the soldier survives the battle, he won't be able to participate in future battles. But on the contrary, when disabled, the damaged limb can't be used anymore only for as long as the current battle lasts, but gets healed afterwards.
Pierce; Adding the chance to fully or semi pierce a limb/bodypart.
When fully piercing a bodypart, the weapon should fully go through the bodypart, and getting stuck inside it for a short amount of time, for the weapon should be pulled back with an enourmous amount of strength. The amount of time depends on if the body is pierced, or semi pierced. But next to this disadvantage comes the benefit. When the weapons leaves the bodypart it leaves an open wound (again not about the graphical effect), so the person starts to bleed, therefor loses a very small amount of health over time. Again depends on the piercing level.
Blunt My ideas've run short, but the only things I've come up with is the chance of knocking somebody unconcious instantly, but it could only happen when hitting the head. Another idea is doubling the damage.

These suggestions are mentioned for strategic purposes, not graphical, and thanks for reading.. Sorry for the length :razz:
Please comment/discuss =]
Raz said:
Yes, but don't all 2H weapons have that ability?

Two-handed weapons are just like any other weapons ... they do different types of damage depending on what type of weapon they are. Clubs, hammers, maces, jousing lance ... weapons like these do blunt damage. You can tell the type of damage by the stats they have, i.e.: club does 11b. The 'b' stands for blunt damage.
No. Only 1h and 2h weapons that deal blunt damage.
So, sword of war for example doesn't knock enemies down until they are dead.
ilex said:
No. Only 1h and 2h weapons that deal blunt damage.
So, sword of war for example doesn't knock enemies down until they are dead.

Actually ... the sword of war can knock down enemies ... just not knock them out. I'm not sure which weapons can and which can not ... but there are many weapons in the game that can knock your enemy down.

Or were you refering to knock-out, and just said knock-down on accident?
I'd prefer separating slashing and chopping/cutting damage from each others, so that chopping damage would have a (small) bonus against armour. A chop with an axe, after all, can pierce/cut through armor much more effectively than a sword slash (but a piercing weapon would still be much more effective in that respect).
Narcissus, are you sure? I've never seen it happen. In the arena, sure, but the weapons there deal blunt damage. Only things I remember seeing knocking an enemy down are the weapons that also knock them out.
Worbah said:
Narcissus, are you sure? I've never seen it happen. In the arena, sure, but the weapons there deal blunt damage. Only things I remember seeing knocking an enemy down are the weapons that also knock them out.

Slashing weapons do knockdown infantry, im not sure if theres a bonus for blunt ones though

Edit: No you could be right, im not so sure if cutting weapons make knockdowns
It's unlikely we'll see severing of limbs. Although it's a much requested feature in games that have sword fighting, it rarely ever sees the light of day due to the difficulty of putting it in a game.

You have to consider how it'd be done. Would the limbs be separate models, merely attached to the torso, or would you have some sort of animation? Also think about the kind of strain that it would cause on the game. If you have 40 characters on a battlefield, and each is actually five separate models, it's going to make a huge impact on performance. On the other hand if it's just an animation, you'll get the same results every time (unless there are multiple animations, which again impacts performance).
Worbah said:
Narcissus, are you sure? I've never seen it happen. In the arena, sure, but the weapons there deal blunt damage. Only things I remember seeing knocking an enemy down are the weapons that also knock them out.

Well .......

I admit that I'm not 100% sure ... at least now that you questioned me. :lol:

I seem to recall many of my weapons having the knock-down effect ... but anymore ... I almost exclusively use blunt damage weapons. So ... to answer your question ... no, I'm not sure now.

On topic please? Hehe, yes indeed the blunt weapons knock-down, and by the way read my first post again, because some of you didn't fully understand :p

n00854180t said:
It's unlikely we'll see severing of limbs. Although it's a much requested feature in games that have sword fighting, it rarely ever sees the light of day due to the difficulty of putting it in a game.

You have to consider how it'd be done. Would the limbs be separate models, merely attached to the torso, or would you have some sort of animation? Also think about the kind of strain that it would cause on the game. If you have 40 characters on a battlefield, and each is actually five separate models, it's going to make a huge impact on performance. On the other hand if it's just an animation, you'll get the same results every time (unless there are multiple animations, which again impacts performance).
Yes you got point there.. maybe leaving the severing out, but just permanent disabling or something instead. Or even better a switch for it, for those ppl who do have fast computers.
But any comments for the pierce suggestion?
Sorry about that, Raz. :oops:

As for the piercing idea ... I'm not so sure.

To do something of that nature ... there would need to be more 'hitboxes' per person. As it is now, there are three; head, torso, and legs. To do specific damage to limbs and such would mean creating hitboxes for each limb ... which in turn would create a whole new set of problems.

If you hit with a sword of war by swinging it from the side (I realize you are talking about piercing damage) ... you would hit one of the new arm hitboxes rather than the chest area. I would think that it would take loads of work to get the hitboxes 'perfect' so that things like this could be handled correctly. Balancing issues would also be an issue or else piercing weapons would be the 'beat-all-others' type of weapon. I can envision several different scenarios ... all of them involving small problems like this.

If it could be done without massive effort on Armagan's part and if all the small quirks that could really mess up gameplay were solved, then I would be for the idea.
n00854180t said:
It's unlikely we'll see severing of limbs. Although it's a much requested feature in games that have sword fighting, it rarely ever sees the light of day due to the difficulty of putting it in a game.

You have to consider how it'd be done. Would the limbs be separate models, merely attached to the torso, or would you have some sort of animation? Also think about the kind of strain that it would cause on the game. If you have 40 characters on a battlefield, and each is actually five separate models, it's going to make a huge impact on performance. On the other hand if it's just an animation, you'll get the same results every time (unless there are multiple animations, which again impacts performance).

the jedi knight series has a good implementation of dismembered body parts. so i'm sure it can be done. i don't see how much this would affect performance since you don't see much performance degradation with persistent corpses and projectiles like arrows and throwing axes. i'm sure whatever performance hit you'd get can be offset by turning off persistent corpses
Thread n.2 about dismemberment.
This means a thing: people *crave* for gore.
Again my proposal: a surgeon simulator + post-battle autopsy minigame.
"Guess how Swadian_Sharpshooter got his head blown off without shotguns on the battlefield".
Daimyo said:
Thread n.2 about dismemberment.
This means a thing: people *crave* for gore.
Again my proposal: a surgeon simulator + post-battle autopsy minigame.
"Guess how Swadian_Sharpshooter got his head blown off without shotguns on the battlefield".
Read it again, I was talking about the strategic effect of dismemberment, not neccesarily graphic effect. I even stated it'd be the best if dismemberment was left out, but hey, you're right.. there is a need for more gore :razz:
Besides it's much more realistic, for instance, I've read once that one's legs can be hacked of in only one slash with a big sword..
At the joints, well sure. In the middle, let's say half a tigh, well... without a chopping block it's fictional. With a chopping block it's still very, very, very difficult... with an axe. With a sword I think it's impossible.
I have knocked people down multiple times with the sword of war...just be on a fast horse and hit them in the chest. I think that is would be cool to have a few things like dismember an opponent and hit him/her with the soggy end...hehe.
mitto_mors said:
I have knocked people down multiple times with the sword of war...just be on a fast horse and hit them in the chest. I think that is would be cool to have a few things like dismember an opponent and hit him/her with the soggy end...hehe.

Are you sure that the horse didn't graze the enemy? I've been meaning to get a character and go out and test that, but haven't had the chance yet.

Dismemberment would, in my opinion, be taking the gore too far. I like the thought of adding a little more than the jets of blood, for realism purposes ... but it is a fine line to walk, in regards to appeasing everyone's preferences. Some want bloody meyham and hacked (gibbed) chunks everywhere ... and others want nothing more than what is already there. Noone is 'right' or 'wrong' ... its simply a matter of preference.
Narcissus said:
mitto_mors said:
I have knocked people down multiple times with the sword of war...just be on a fast horse and hit them in the chest. I think that is would be cool to have a few things like dismember an opponent and hit him/her with the soggy end...hehe.

Are you sure that the horse didn't graze the enemy? I've been meaning to get a character and go out and test that, but haven't had the chance yet.

Dismemberment would, in my opinion, be taking the gore too far. I like the thought of adding a little more than the jets of blood, for realism purposes ... but it is a fine line to walk, in regards to appeasing everyone's preferences. Some want bloody meyham and hacked (gibbed) chunks everywhere ... and others want nothing more than what is already there. Noone is 'right' or 'wrong' ... its simply a matter of preference.
Excactly, it's all about preference. But I'd only like dismemberment if it doesnt happen too often. But we're getting off-topic here :razz:
By the way anyone even slightly agrees with my ideas?
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