Damage boost

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We have some secret project for our PW server thats coming up soon.
We have some kind of leveling system, with combat skills.
We asked outselfs if it is possible to boost damage depending on the strenght skill outside of the game sotred in the database,

So basicly affecting player damage, we thought of if the player does damage. 10% of the damage the attacking plYer did will be applied aswell on the player. So the player basicly hits 10% more more.
When making a server side PW modification, it must be compatible with official clients, both in the network interface and the presentation to players. Affecting damage output of weapons could make the information presented to players on the clients (item information popups, or whatever) wrong, and for certain things like (but not limited to) swing speed and weight, client prediction code (both in the Warband engine and the module system) might get muddled up, causing glitches and bug reports: so I do not condone that sort of change in a server side mod. If you want to change item stats or damage modifiers, release your own sub mod to players (following the usage conditions listed in the sticky thread and license files included with the module system); there are too many likely ways of mucking things up when using different attributes on server and clients.
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