
I've been playing mount&blade since it was released in that game magazine as a very small beta version a few years back... and never stopped playing it.
Now the following suggestion is to the creators and everyone else and I am looking for some feedback about it.
If you added a menu i guess in the game for custimizing 2 or 3 command slots for battle formations that you have personally created... i think it would add a lot more mental skill and fun to the game.
What i mean is like with all the command slots(follow me, hold, use blunt weapons ect) the list two or three we leave costomizible command slot A and costimizible command slot B.And in the menu where it says camp inventory ect we add anotherone called customizers or something. And then pops up with a display with like your party and a little minimap battlefield thing and a whole bunch of options aswell. And also something i just thought up: preview formation and you'd see what it looks like in battle to make sure you haven't screwed anything up.
Because after a while of playing regular battles(not sieges) you might becme bored of the limitations of the regular battle formations... i know i did.
And with this multiplayer thing i read about on this forum you'd be able to out-think, out-manuver and crush other opponents on the net with you're tactitcally advanced mind!!
Still its just an idea i came up with just before i fell asleep.
If anyone shows interest about this idea i'd be only too happy to go into detail (after all this was just a basic outline of it)but it may take me a day or 2 t get back to you
PS-any idea when the next version is coming out
Now the following suggestion is to the creators and everyone else and I am looking for some feedback about it.
If you added a menu i guess in the game for custimizing 2 or 3 command slots for battle formations that you have personally created... i think it would add a lot more mental skill and fun to the game.
What i mean is like with all the command slots(follow me, hold, use blunt weapons ect) the list two or three we leave costomizible command slot A and costimizible command slot B.And in the menu where it says camp inventory ect we add anotherone called customizers or something. And then pops up with a display with like your party and a little minimap battlefield thing and a whole bunch of options aswell. And also something i just thought up: preview formation and you'd see what it looks like in battle to make sure you haven't screwed anything up.
Because after a while of playing regular battles(not sieges) you might becme bored of the limitations of the regular battle formations... i know i did.
And with this multiplayer thing i read about on this forum you'd be able to out-think, out-manuver and crush other opponents on the net with you're tactitcally advanced mind!!
Still its just an idea i came up with just before i fell asleep.
If anyone shows interest about this idea i'd be only too happy to go into detail (after all this was just a basic outline of it)but it may take me a day or 2 t get back to you
PS-any idea when the next version is coming out