Customize(?) Units

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Just an idea, I haven't thought much about this and don't know that has this been discussed before. Could you make Customize(?) Units to the game? Meaning, you could create own units with a system similar to creating your character in the beginning, a lot simplier althought.
For example, you talk to tavern keeper/count/king and choose "Customize Units", then you jump to screen similar to the character creation screen in the beginning. All attributes (strength, agillity, charisma...) would be in 5, and you would have 4 attribute points to spent. After you use all 5 attribute points, the system would randomly create skills for the unit according what kind of attribute you did spend a lot and what kind of you leaved empty/spend less. For example, you put 3 attribute points to strength, 1 agillity and 1 charisma, you get +2 for your iron flesh, +1 for power strike, +1 for riding and +1 for leadership. Of course, you could still have few (2-4?) skill points to be spent manually.
Then, you should name your unit and create or random few faces for them.

Just a thought, like I said.
I think that's a great idea, but should only be possible if you have a certain skill level in the Training skill (Finally a use for it!) It'd be nice to train my own troops and customize their armor, weapons, and skills.
Or maybe just having choosable "branches" in the leveling tree, like peasants either upgrading into infantry, archers or cavalry.
Then you'd actually be able to tell what the unit upgrades into.

I once had a wonderful arching watchman (I was level 2) and made the mistake of upgrading him into a caravan guard. I've never seen him use a bow again :sad:
There are paths you can take when upgrading units. I can't remember if the watchment/peasants can be upgraded to archers, but both the Vaegir and Swadian units can ultimately become knights, heavy footmen or heavy archers/crossbowmen.
There are paths you can take when upgrading units. I can't remember if the watchment/peasants can be upgraded to archers, but both the Vaegir and Swadian units can ultimately become knights, heavy footmen or heavy archers/crossbowmen.

Yes, I know that, and that wasn't the idea of customize units. I thought more of units that you could depend more, would they be barbariac(?) twohanded axe-users or fur covered mongolian type-archers.
I just thought this cos I think that this level system is a little bit boring when time passes.
see my post here on ideas for unit development, with a more complex development tree I think troops would be of much more use in the late game - and combined with some of my sugestions it would allow units to survive long enough to reach those levels in useful numbers.
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