Custom Troops Discussion

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Can't decide between wolf, tiger and just normal, "grey" horse  :smile:




Btw, does ironflesh buff from royal enchancement actually works on regular units? Didn't notice any increase in their hp and ironflesh. Sure, I can make a duel, and beat my oponent with fists for as little damage as possible and estimate his total hp this way. But this can take some time since i will need data from few duels and difference is only 8hp.
I noticed that their is a script to force unequips gear that is over the limit anyone know a way around it pop style? I  am looking now through the scripts but i cannot find it.
zerogodlike said:
I noticed that their is a script to force unequips gear that is over the limit anyone know a way around it pop style? I  am looking now through the scripts but i cannot find it.

Anyone figure this out?
I'd find it really interesting to see how players designed their custom mercenaries. Did they choose a specific theme, and if yes which one? Or did they go purely for effectiveness? Post screens and explain your choices :grin:
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I like Legion Knights, though it can be a pain at times finding low tier armor. I'll post a screenshot when I've at least finished the infantry and cavalry lines.
In the current iteration, I made the hired troops kinda generic medieval, trying to go for a neutral dark theme. I didn't get around to name them yet...

The knights are only ones using custom armour, and I'm not using hired horse archers anymore, so they're a bit off.





This is what I've gotten so far for my infantry/cavalry. I'm still changing things, and haven't messed with archers for a while. I'm still not sure about my tree, and I have nearly a dozen combination to try still.
I go for aesthetics first before function, also having an army of silver themed horse archers makes em easy to recognize so I wouldn't have to squint hard when I'm looking for someone to couch with map off.
Currently I'm using custom troops as expansion and partial replacement for the native Persino troops, so they share the green/black aesthetics. Well, except for HH guard.
In the wiki ist is mentioned that renaming hirrd mercs and household troop is possible. Ingame I am unable to find such options.

help appreciated.

In the reports section there's a list of minor factions, where the players mercenaries are located. You can name them from there by selecting one, and retyping their name.
Я не знаю, предлагалось ли это раньше, но я бы все равно это сделал. Итак, что, если бы у нас была возможность иметь свое собственное дерево войск в игре? Ну, например, дать им собственные имена, оборудование, навыки и так далее. И, честно говоря, это было бы не так уж трудно настроить, уже есть мод под названием Custom Troop Trees, но он родной. Было бы неплохо, если бы у Перисно было что-то подобное, не так ли? :изворотливый:
я полностью с тобой согласен
Hello. I'm had been lurking around since 0.8 as a guest and I just wanna say: The custom armor feature lets my dream of having an army of peasant-looking elites come true (and practical instead of giving them actual Farmers' armor).
Longtime lurker but finally decided to create an account to ask a question. I have a problem when trying to select the equipment for my custom troops in the Persino mod. I have no way to exit the screen where I am selecting their equipment. The troop says "Is there anything else" and I can choose from all the catagories of equipment but there is no choice to exit the screen so I have to Alt-F4 every time regardless if I made loadout changes. Anyone have this problem or fix it?
Longtime lurker but finally decided to create an account to ask a question. I have a problem when trying to select the equipment for my custom troops in the Persino mod. I have no way to exit the screen where I am selecting their equipment. The troop says "Is there anything else" and I can choose from all the catagories of equipment but there is no choice to exit the screen so I have to Alt-F4 every time regardless if I made loadout changes. Anyone have this problem or fix it?
Did you update the latest version?
I may just be dumb but i'm a bit confused. I accidentally clicked accept when editing the gear for one of the custom troops and didnt equip them with what I wanted. But when I talk to the unit again in my party there is no option to edit their gear again. Am I missing something or do you have to do something else other than talk to them again to edit it after doing it once?
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