Custom Settlements 0.675 Download & Description & Discussion

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:sad:(((((((((( Really sad now.I thought  finnally found what i needed and i just realised this won't work with Warband 1.166
The only person that can save us is you,please make a warband 1.166 version of it.
The link in post #238 for a tweaked version has been pre-empted by some "Crocko" company (definitely a crock o' "something"), and it locked my PC up solid with virus warnings when I tried to download the file.  Beware!

I agree with the one poster back in Dec. 2012, the colors of a lot of the stuff in the mod are kind-of garish.  Metallic, fluorescent, and other highly saturated colors are not exactly fitting in a medieval setting.  The natural dyes and pigments of the time were mostly rather subtle, so various shades of browns, greens, and grays would be the norm, with bleached or woolen off-whites and a few pastel shades of muted color thrown in for variation.  Paints would have fairly low color saturation, so they'd either be dark or muted compared to a lot of today's bright hues.

Unfortunately, with the modder long gone missing, and no one willing or able to do further work (it's above my current abilities), it's probably dead.  A number of the towns were incomplete or had major errors, last I saw (at least one crashed the game completely whenever I tried to enter), and a couple had opposing units spawn outside the playable area, or where your own units are stuck on the edge of the map and can't go either forward or back, but can move sideways along the border.  One town had a major landscape change that left buildings flying high overhead.  Minor details....

Great start, and a lot of effort and creativity obviously put into it, but nowhere near done.
sakiszero said:
:sad:(((((((((( Really sad now.I thought  finnally found what i needed and i just realised this won't work with Warband 1.166
The only person that can save us is you,please make a warband 1.166 version of it.
Sadly, There is currently no one working on this. I'm trying to resurrect the mod, but the only thing I can do is coding. If someone can offer a help, It would be greatly appreciated
I've tried what you sent me and It didn't worked well. I am interested in this mod, so I'll help as much as I can ...
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