Sergeant Knight

Custom Settlements 0.675 Full Download (alternate download via Mountfanblade.com)
Source Code (includes module system and text files)
Custom Settlements Brief Description
A mod where you can claim a small camp and build it all the way up into a Castle Town, and then become a King/Queen and start making your friends into Lords/Ladies in charge of their own settlements and having your own kingdom.
The world is constantly growing and changing.
Original Thread with more in depth descriptions
0.675 Additions Specifics:
many fixes, not savegame compatible
includes City Add-on (13 more settlements and many new heroes) by Berpol (check http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,68059.0.html for specifics)
includes OSP Add-on by AvaRice
cosmetic improvements to interface by Berpol and Liquidninja
more mercenary buy options
more bribe options
more ways to gain resources (patrolling a settlement gains some resources, can buy and sell resources from your settlements merchants)
changed settlement defense
Both Add-ons (City Add-on by Berpol and OSP Add-on by AvaRice) are no longer required as an extra download. They are included in the main download. New versions of the Add-ons may appear and can be used with the main download to achieve a more updated version.
Possible Issues:
Some people seem to have an issue with some of the items added in the 1.20 OSP Add-on. The issue causes the game to crash when you talk to merchants or use the character screen.
If you have this problem, you need to:
-Download the Source Code (includes module system and text files) and use the updated text files (by copying them and pasting them over the main installs files).
That should make the offending item a non-issue. I personally don't have this issue so am having a hard time pinning it down. You should make sure you have a clean install when you do this, and you must start a new game afterwards.
0.675 is not savegame compatible.
Source Code (includes module system and text files)
Custom Settlements Brief Description
A mod where you can claim a small camp and build it all the way up into a Castle Town, and then become a King/Queen and start making your friends into Lords/Ladies in charge of their own settlements and having your own kingdom.
The world is constantly growing and changing.
Original Thread with more in depth descriptions
0.675 Additions Specifics:
many fixes, not savegame compatible
includes City Add-on (13 more settlements and many new heroes) by Berpol (check http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,68059.0.html for specifics)
includes OSP Add-on by AvaRice
cosmetic improvements to interface by Berpol and Liquidninja
more mercenary buy options
more bribe options
more ways to gain resources (patrolling a settlement gains some resources, can buy and sell resources from your settlements merchants)
changed settlement defense
Both Add-ons (City Add-on by Berpol and OSP Add-on by AvaRice) are no longer required as an extra download. They are included in the main download. New versions of the Add-ons may appear and can be used with the main download to achieve a more updated version.
Possible Issues:
Some people seem to have an issue with some of the items added in the 1.20 OSP Add-on. The issue causes the game to crash when you talk to merchants or use the character screen.
If you have this problem, you need to:
-Download the Source Code (includes module system and text files) and use the updated text files (by copying them and pasting them over the main installs files).
That should make the offending item a non-issue. I personally don't have this issue so am having a hard time pinning it down. You should make sure you have a clean install when you do this, and you must start a new game afterwards.
0.675 is not savegame compatible.