Custom Music for ANYONE

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Ok, If you have ever wanted custom music you came to the right place. If you do not know how to do custom music and want it i can help there.  The music in Mount and blade can get really boring. So i want you too enjoy your favorite music while playing mount and blade: warband.

Here's what you have to do.

1. You will need at least 75 songs. Yes it's kind of alot but that's whats required.
2. Click Reply To This Topic/Thread.
3. Make a list Of your songs. example) 1. XXXX 2. XXXX
4. Make SURE you have a sad song for when villages get looted and razed. (SO go like this 1. xxx .2 xxx SAD Song...Name
5. That's it ill take care of everything else and everything on this site when done and give instruction's where to put the files after if you dont know how.

Thank you for your time,
Gore Production's
Yeah I don't think that's how it works. If you wish to include music in your mod, make sure it is your original work or you have investigated sufficiently permissions and licence behind it.

Please don't offer a piracy service on the forums again.
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