SP Native Custom Commander v1.396 for Warband 1.165+ (source code included)

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This is prolly my fav mod next to Diplomacy, I messed around with the source and added somethings to it that I enjoy. All credit etc... to original authors. This isnt a full fledged mod so im not gonna go all crazy given everyones name.

Download Mod (Updated 11/12/11) - Added torches to some troops (Including Custom Troops), for more immersion during night battles.  Its save compatible,
but the custom troops wont have torches unless you start a new game. You can also buy a torch from merchants.

ENB Settings (Updated 11/26/11) - Added a little more color back into the game.

I fixed all the text errors I have found. So english is better in this version. If you find anymore errors let me know guys. Its new cheats and scripts added, nothing over  the top. Also custom troop tree are added. I took out naming the troops in the game. Just use Morgh's Editor to change the troops to your liking. Its the same troop tree from Native Mod Compilation. To get the Custom Troops, you have to have your own faction and change your culture to Player Faction via minister. Then recruit from your villages. Graphics have been updated, you've been warned! lol I took out the extra items, and some of the weird sounds. I polished everything up, bugfree and CC with more glory! It should be compatible with old CC games, but not w/ old verboten versions. The ENB settings enhance the graphics even more, if you have a good PC this is a must download!

Morgh's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor

Before ENB Settings

After ENB Settings

Before ENB Settings

After ENB Settings

Before ENB Settings

After ENB Settings

The update note for v1.339 is added on...

v1.339 is update on 27/11/2011 (New game required)
# Changed the upgrade trees of Swadia, Vaegirs and Sarranid. Add noble lads for them, and only noble lads can upgrade to cavalry.
# Make new recruiting templates for lords, separated form the ones for castles or towns.
# Colorful messages with the color of the related faction.
# You can't get money after battles.You can get other things like befor.
# Just when a lord or king get a fief, he can get the taxes of it instantly.
# Add a new option at the beginning to decide to add bandit heroes to the game or not.
# Various fixes and tweaks.
I just downloaded the new version, but every time I try to enter a tavern, it crashes, and gives a meddage that the game isn't working anymore, and nothing else. Does anybody know a fix?
thomasNL01 said:
I just downloaded the new version, but every time I try to enter a tavern, it crashes, and gives a meddage that the game isn't working anymore, and nothing else. Does anybody know a fix?
Nothing to do with the mod, this is a Warband version 1.142+ crash: open your module.ini and change
disable_moveable_flag_optimization = 0 to = 1
HI, i like Custom Commander mod, but it will be greater if it combined  with diplomacy mod! Anyone has any idea how to combine them!
im assuming the link at the vary first page will get me the latest version of the mod?
i want to try it i have yet to really find a mod i enjoy btw do i need WSE and if so where do i get it
I would like to know how can i get only part when I could customize my troop only.
I would like that part of the mod only to change my troop.
I would like to use the Knight of the swadian then infantry of the Nords and the archers of Vaegir.
All by recruiting from my kingdom village.
does someone have just that part of it as a add on instead of a complete new mod.
Maybe I did not watch it or just do not see any excuse for the carelessness of even earlier, I would like to see a list of changes that have changed after 1.339
Apparently, it is now possible to switch troop types. The code seems to indicate that it is possible to change mounted khergit lancers to dismounted ones.
The new CC also introduces several new troops like Swadian double handers and so on.
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