Custom battles

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Apologies if this has already been suggested.

Its great fun building a character from scratch and having skills improve over time. But I think it would be good if there was a custom battle feature.

So for instance you could have a one on one battle. Or a ten v 10. Or a three way 10 v 10 v 10 battle – or any battle you fancied!

Choose your own skins and those of your enemies/ Allocate experience levels etc.

Anyone who has played the Total War games will know what I mean. It allows you to get straight into the action without the campaigning side of things.

Might be nice to have a random battle feature too.


Also might be cool if we could record the battles and watch/share them afterwards.


I like this suggestion as a side option, just a case of whether they put it in as a completely different feature (like selecting "Arranged Battle" from the main menu) or just add it as an extra feature to the arena.

Plus, your an Brit, and we English folk must stick together :razz:
Yeah, i do like this idea. Be able to use one of your characters in a "skirmis mode", without exp gains and stuff. It would be very nice to setup your own battles to try things out.
Always have liked this idea and it doesn't hurt to bring it up again. Even in the simplest form of just being another battle except that we can quickly specify who we're fight against and who we've got on our side.

A little more ambitious would be the option to defend a specific area say, a small outpost or farmhouse or mountain pass for a specific time or until one side is eliminated.
Like Strange said... Have different modes of fighting... like gaurding a bridge and you coud even have some fun game types like capture flag plus you could mod in many different styles of play
I had the same idea too. Of course, from Total War games :wink: -my version.
The more I play the game the more essential having custom/random battles becomes.

I love the combat system, it's totally what makes M&B. I know it's a beta but I am becoming rapidly disenchanted with wandering round the campaign map - it's all beginning to feel a bit aimless.

Custom battles would really give the game a welcome dimension... but what the game really needs (imho) is... wait for it...


It's been said many times before, I know. But this game would be beyond awesome as a multiplayer game. Playing online with your buddies is THE best gaming experience...

I'm back to playing CSS at the mo... roll on M&B2 with multiplayer!

Hopefully the full version of M&B1 will have custom/random battles.
I definetly agree with this...but, just like i said for seiges...the engine needs to be patched first so that frame-rates are improved for large battles.
PersianPaladin said:
I definetly agree with this...but, just like i said for seiges...the engine needs to be patched first so that frame-rates are improved for large battles.

Yeah, so we can finally have those fights of 100 against 100 without the fight being 20vs20 with backups... the combat ground could be made 200% bigger too :wink:
Good idea, i also agree with the demo recording - if it works like demo recording in fps games it would be cool.
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