Captain Pyjama Shark
Grandmaster Knight

First and foremost, I am not an especially skilled person, and I doubt I could even attempt to make a mod before my computer and eyebrows set on fire, so please regard this as a hypothetical question. Would anyone be interested in some sort of mod dealing with the Indian Wars of the 1870's waged in America? I know little of this period outside of, well, Custer's Last Stand, (The World Wars, as well as Rome, are really my forte) however, it seemed like it could be something that one could easily make work with this sort of engine, and I think it could be quite fun. This is just the sort of mod this game is made for! After all, most other periods don't work. A Roman Legion of 40 men? Defending Monte Cassino with 8 other fallschirmjagers? Neither of those make for very exciting experiences, but a small-scale war such as this would! U.S. Cavalry forming up, Native Americans swooping around taking shots, a mod I believe could be exciting and a fun and fair experience. Is there any interest on this, and if so, is it already a mod or somebody's else's idea?