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If you have a Windows XP:
You can go to USER > DOCUMENTS > Mount&Blade Warband > SceneObj

Windows Seven:
LIBRARY > DOCUMENTS > Mount&Blade Warband > SceneObj

Copy the scene you want and paste it in PW4beta2 > SceneObj

Start the game, choose edit mod and the scene you want to edit will be there.

Obs.: If you have many mods installed, the PW scenes can be found in the end, scroll down and you'll see scn_scene1 to scn_scene9
Dark_Hamlet said:
If you have a Windows XP:
You can go to USER > DOCUMENTS > Mount&Blade Warband > SceneObj

Windows Seven:
LIBRARY > DOCUMENTS > Mount&Blade Warband > SceneObj

Copy the scene you want and paste it in PW4beta2 > SceneObj

Start the game, choose edit mod and the scene you want to edit will be there.

Obs.: If you have many mods installed, the PW scenes can be found in the end, scroll down and you'll see scn_scene1 to scn_scene9

I remember the olden times when I had to set up my own Module system and the quick scene chooser.
Ahh, those were days.
Azrayel said:
Wait, do they use the default scene code, Hamlet?

Custom scenes are stored there (folder). I don't know which scene they are using because I've not been able to play PW in the past days.

I believe that the same thing happens with the scene codes, but I forgot to mention it and I cant access my PC in the moment in order to be sure.
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