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I have spent quite some time starting (and restarting) due to the introduced changes, and at this point I can definetly say what I feel isn't implemented the best way possible. Also, this doesn't count on potential future features, like revolts etc.
1. Major game killer: leveling troops with autoresolve on looters produces the best result. Doing the battle manually gives me 1-2 troops upgrades, autoresolve sometimes upgrades more than 20. No casualties. Which promotes autoresolve play on low level bandits, as leveling troops otherwise is extremely slow. Bonus: shouldn't the player be rewarded for manually intervening the battle, and thus, playing the game to it's full?
2. Character progression. Current progression is slow, and with the pacing on what is happening around feels weird. It takes ages to get any skill to 100, and I can't even imagine using my dynasty to run it all over again. Progression could benefit from some multipliers. Bonus: smithing stamina feels weird as hell. Even if not removing it completely, make it tick all the time, not only when resting in the city.
3. Archers, archers pirce all the armor! Throwing spears as well, but I can understand that. Not the shortbows, nailing my 50k plate.

Bonus: was steamrolling fixed? I didn't feel it in a new campaign after changes, it steal steamrolled the hell out of the map. Can we have less agressive AI, more feasts after sieges, and overall, slower pace of the game(but not as slow as character progression now!!!)?

What everyone else think of that?
1) I would see them increase the exp gain for your troops in battle to exceed the autoresolve as well, but not nerf the autoresolve option either. The game is way too slow as it is, spending 90% of my campaign so far just getting Vlandian Recruits up to Levy Crossbowmen so they are of some use as a Garrison force is pretty boring.

2) Same as the last point, it's bloody slow and tedious.

3) All arrows deal piercing damage which has a bonus to armour that is correct. Armour still helps to protect but what you really need is a shield.

And no, steamrolling is not completely fixed yet.
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