Your experience with crashes to desktop in Perisno 0.9:

  • Never happened so far.

    Votes: 34 29.1%
  • Happened once during several hours of gameplay.

    Votes: 26 22.2%
  • Happened several times already.

    Votes: 31 26.5%
  • Happens every 5th-10th battle.

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • Happens almost every battle or town visit, can't play.

    Votes: 10 8.5%

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I think I have only had 1 CTD so far, it really wasn't a big deal at all, it might have been an item I'm not sure but I play in the Tolrania/Maccavia region and have had around 100ish army of both, so it's not there, but I've read that people crash alot interacting with Dwarves and their gear.
Yesterday i had two CTDs after two fights with Snowcrawlers, the game just closed.

Thought it might be caused by them.
Checked all items they got, gave them to my char, and tried if something's

After 1,5 hours i gave up.

Today i reloaded the save, battled several groups of Snowcrawlers... not a single CTD.

No clue, can't reproduce it.
Leonion said:
The patch:

Thanks very much for posting this - and thanks to all who helped solve the problem.  :party:
Thanks for the hard work. I tested some more just now. The Birgit crash still happens. Oddly enough, when I visit her in a castle and duel her mounted, there was no problem during the duel, but the game crashed after the duel was over. I tried to reduce render_buffer_size from 2048 to 512 and I could talk to her in the field, but crashed again when I closed the dialogue.
Sky Warden said:
Thanks for the hard work. I tested some more just now. The Birgit crash still happens. Oddly enough, when I visit her in a castle and duel her mounted, there was no problem during the duel, but the game crashed after the duel was over. I tried to reduce render_buffer_size from 2048 to 512 and I could talk to her in the field, but crashed again when I closed the dialogue.
Your crash has completely different origin, because dragons neither influence perfomance , nor initiate memory leak (i tested all reported and encountered by myself unit related crashes with multiple perfomance monitors on). Either you have some files corrupted - meshes, animation of dragons most likely or game can't unload something related to them after battle ends/rider dead/whatever else it may be.
I have yet to install the patch provided.  I just wanted to share my experience so far.  In the battles that tend to crash, the defending side stands still and doesn't react to the attackers except to fire arrows back or engage when in melee.  I've seen that happen with both Elintor and Aroulo defending.  It also seems to happen more often with Tolranian troops.  I have three different characters created to test things, an Elf, Dwarf and Human.  I had one CTD with Elintor fighting against Tolrania, the terrain was flat mostly, few trees, as it was near the pass between the two nations.  No CTD's playing my Dwarf, most combat was against Hakkon or aiding the Falcon against Hakkon.  I joined Tolrania with the human, and immediately experienced two CTD's.  One in a Siege against an Elintor castle, as a member of King Torlian's army, and the other was as a noble of Tolrania and joining a battle against Elintor with about a 600 to 180 troop advantage.  The latter battle was primarily on the plain, with some gentle rolling hills.  I joined Maccavia with the same human, and have yet to experience a crash, the battles have been against the Reich and Volheere Raiders.
T.L.S. said:
or game can't unload something related to them after battle ends/rider dead/whatever else it may be.
Do you have any suggestion on dealing with that hypothesis? I don't think it's a case of corrupted files because there are cases where the dragon can be rendered without a problem. I will simply avoid Birgit and Oskar for now, but it'd be great if I could get around this one crash.
hi i want to report a crash keep saying microsoft visual c++ runtime library
i fight 2 fights 3rd fight or if i fight someone have 500 troops i its crashing plez can you guys at least make a vid how to  fix it
or help me plez
Just started a new game on HF4. From running around and doing 5 tournaments, several snow crawlers and a single warband I had 0 crashes.
Once I have some shut eye, I'll try jumping into some large battles that I can't possible win without cheats, in snow cowered landscapes. I expect no crashes, but please advise.
Taking down 2k ppl of valahir by pushing ctrl + alt + f4 only makes my computer stutter for a bit. Running through 350 soldiers on the battlefield does nothing out of the ordinary.

My specs would be an old i5-4690k @ 4Ghz, 16GB RAM @ 1800Mhz - 9-9-9-27-2T, Geforce 1060 6GB OC running 398.36 drivers.
Win7 64bit, no updates since the meltdown and spectre problems solutions were reported causing slowdowns.
I'm running Warband at fullscreen 2560x1440 75-78 FPS.

I have never edited in the rgl file before:

first_time = 0
texture_detail = 100
render_buffer_size = 15
max_framerate = 77
start_windowed = 0
use_pixel_shaders = 1
use_vertex_shaders = 1
fake_reflections = 1
show_framerate = 1
use_ondemand_textures_ = 1
use_ondemand_textures_mt = 1
disable_music = 1
disable_sound = 0
disable_frequency_variation = 0
cheat_mode = 1
enable_blood = 1
enable_edit_mode = 0
force_single_threading = 0
debug_mode = 0
display_width = 0
display_height = 0
display_bits = 32
antialiasing = 0
sample_quality = 0
alpha2coverage = 0
force_vsync = 0
shadowmap_quality = 0
shader_quality = 2
postfx_dof = 0
postfx_hdr = 0
postfx_autoexp = 1
flora_degrade_distance = 150.0000
flora_lod_detail = 1
use_instancing = 0
use_secure_connection = 0
max_number_of_connections = 16
look_for_server_on_this_machine = 0
music_volume = 0.3293
sound_volume = 0.7721
mouse_sensitivity = 0.5345
invert_mouse = 0
enable_lighting = 1
enable_particles = 1
enable_blood = 1
enable_character_shadows = 1
enable_accurate_shadows = 1
number_of_corpses = 5
grass_density = 0
combat_speed = 2
friend_combat_difficulty = 0
adapter_format = 0
reduce_combat_ai = 1
reduce_campaign_ai = 1
combat_difficulty = 1
display_labels = 1
display_targeting_reticule = 1
display_attack_direction = 0
turn_camera_with_horse_in_first_person = 2
verbose_damage = 1
verbose_shot_difficulty = 1
battle_size = 0.9033
attack_direction_control = 2
defend_direction_control = 0
lance_control = 0
anisotropic_filtering = 1
enable_environment_shadows = 1
verbose_casualties = 1
verbose_experience = 1
realistic_shadows_on_plants = 0
number_of_ragdolls = 4
gamma = 2.2000
character_detail = 1.0000
character_shadow_detail = 1.0000
control_mouse_movement_y_scale = 1.5000
blood_stains = 1
use_winmm_audio = 0
enable_version_check = 1
enable_aspect_ratio_control = 1
realistic_headshots = 0
auto_gfx_quality = 0
enable_gamepad_vibration = 1
This mod have alot of problems you guys should fix all of it before relas it  alot of glitches make army all black horses black everything is black
alot of bugs problems crashes hopy u guys going to fix it and give us a good link to download perison good 1
and thats all thx all of you  perison is best mod but its have hella problems
I don't experience all those problems. I doubt it's the game that is at fault here. Try reinstalling Windows, Runtime and whatever else you have. Depending on your hardware, you may need to go buy a new set as well. ''

Runtime problems is 99%+ of the time because the end user have an old or corrupt installation.
m7mdking said:
plez for god sake tell me how to fix microsoft visual crash plez!
Do we look like Oracles here?

You were already told what to do in the first message of this thread and in the message before your last one.
We can only offer solutions for generic issues that cause ctds for most people (and only after tests and comparisons). If you still have ctds despite carefully following all steps, something's wrong with your PC. And hell if I know what.
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