I have yet to install the patch provided. I just wanted to share my experience so far. In the battles that tend to crash, the defending side stands still and doesn't react to the attackers except to fire arrows back or engage when in melee. I've seen that happen with both Elintor and Aroulo defending. It also seems to happen more often with Tolranian troops. I have three different characters created to test things, an Elf, Dwarf and Human. I had one CTD with Elintor fighting against Tolrania, the terrain was flat mostly, few trees, as it was near the pass between the two nations. No CTD's playing my Dwarf, most combat was against Hakkon or aiding the Falcon against Hakkon. I joined Tolrania with the human, and immediately experienced two CTD's. One in a Siege against an Elintor castle, as a member of King Torlian's army, and the other was as a noble of Tolrania and joining a battle against Elintor with about a 600 to 180 troop advantage. The latter battle was primarily on the plain, with some gentle rolling hills. I joined Maccavia with the same human, and have yet to experience a crash, the battles have been against the Reich and Volheere Raiders.