In Progress CTD on Graphics Change

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: While in battle, I went to my options and reduced the number of characters shown from 630 to 501, and the number of corpses shown from high to medium. When I saved changes, the game crashed when trying to go back to the battle.
How to Reproduce: Do the same thing.
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10
GPU: RTX 2060
GPU Driver Version: 456.71
CPU: i7 4.5ghz
RAM: 16 GB
I was able to reproduce the error. ID below.


To reproduce, I created a custom battle with 610 troops. My graphics setting allowed for 610 troops and High corpse count.
I started the battle and as the 2 armies engaged and started fighting and killing, I changed the graphics options from 610 to 501, and High corpses to Medium. Save, crash.
Same crashes for me. It doesn't depend on drivers or windows version. This was not in the older patches.
Change texture type (static/dinamic) for example
Could you check if your game crashes after changing any other option? Mine does even after lowering the music volume. I pretty much can't touch any options until I return to the main menu.
I noticed that the game does not always, accidentally crashes when entering the settings menu, it is not even necessary to make any changes. The same goes for the developer console when changes are made to the game config file. Yes, the changes are saved, but the game can crashes.
In battle, I changed volume and clicked Done and it crashed. COME ON. The Options Menu is now too dangerous to use? Come on...

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