CTD in middle of battles...

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Got CTD when i was in middle of mountainy battles against bandits... Thought you might would want to take a look at this problems.

Eagle out...
I got CTD when I repeatly clicked on left button of mouse to quickly throw as many ofi javelins toward enemy as quickly as possible.

Eagle out...
I have the same problem, .710 patched from previous version, I have been CTD'ing randomly on occasional battles on any terrain, the game NEVER CTD'ed on me before.

It does seem to happen when I'm in the process of clicking with the mouse, attacking an enemy, but I'm not sure I can relate to that since I'm most often pressing the mouse button attacking enemies, anyway, it never happened while I was passive yet.

Extremely annoying.
I'm frequently crashing with v.710

I haven't been able to finish a fight for a few hours :neutral:

I've reinstalled M&B and I still crash with a white screen in combat.
Dredboss: It looks like the way to get around that crash for now is to disable the new blood effect in Options, until it's fixed in the next version.
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