CTD after changeing grafic settings

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Hi all, haven't played M&B for a while now. When changeing the graphic settings in the Option menue or in the start menue from where you can choose the modules and I press "Done" I always get an CTD and typical Program has stopped working error.  After restarting M&B, the settings have not changed. The game itself runs OK, no problems, just when trying to change the settings and press done.
At first I thought it might be the module and enhanced grafics I installed so I used my backup native game and the same happens again.
What could cause this? The game had run before without problems just about a few weeks ago?


EDIT: Since I can play the game normally, I would just reduce gammar settings. Can someone tell me which file I have to open and which line I have to change, in order to get gammar around 2
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