Crusaders, Paladins etc.

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Perhaps a stupid question but is it possible to get them without attacking the Swadians and taking over one of their towns?
I mean is it possible if i am in that faction and don't want to wait till any other lord has some as prisoners and i can free them ... just want a town.

Hope everyone is able to understan dmy "english" :wink:
Actually I do believe that you can raise up Crusaders from Squires, by recruiting Nobles from the cities. However Paladins can only come through the Cathedral.
Arcfault said:
Actually I do believe that you can raise up Crusaders from Squires, by recruiting Nobles from the cities. However Paladins can only come through the Cathedral.

You would be thinking of Cavaliers.

There is one other very situational alternative which involves letting the Swadians lose a town and then taking it back when you have good enough rep with the queen that she'll grant you anything. Also you could run the pretender quest line and grant yourself a town through that request system.
Just loaded an old savegame, ran over a Swadian citiy and made peace with them again ... gave them back their lords and payed ~23.000. That's all in 15 minutes.  :roll:
There is sense to join Swadians. They are already at war with Vaegirs most of the time - you can conquer Jeribe castle and start your own kingdom to conquer Dhirim - very nice siege tower town where Cathedral can be built and you can recruit soldiers in its villages to train Rangers. Very nice and solid Kingdom' core. And you can farm swadians for great equipment and paladins, vaegirs for Ivory Bows and other stuff. Sergeants as town guards looks very mean.
Yeah, but my thought was that it actually makes no sense to join a faction play very very long to get a town and the ability to get their best troops if i am able to get that in a few minutes and for about a few thousend Dinar (if i want pease with them after taken one of their towns).
Imo that's idiotic.
I don't know if i understand really what you mean (my english isn't good :mrgreen:) but i never wanted to say that the mod is bad. It ist he best M&B mod i've played!
MrFloppy said:
I don't know if i understand really what you mean (my english isn't good :mrgreen:) but i never wanted to say that the mod is bad. It ist he best M&B mod i've played!

English is not my native laguage as well. I simply can tolerate this questionable feature of this excellent mod. Eventually, player will get mixed army and his own kingdom - it gives more fun. So it is not a big issue, simply strange.
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