Crusaders of Existence is a competitive European clan for Mount & Blade: Warband. Crusaders of Existence was created on 13/04/2012, the goal of Crusaders of Existence is to create a Community where members can enjoy this game and its mods with others, and to create a disciplined skillful force and to do well in the Native clan scene. As well as scheduled training sessions, we play internal matches for fun and to practice for clan matches. Also it’s a mini-Competition for the commanders to show off their strategic skill. We also find this helps us see which members are good leaders and which are skilled warriors, and makes our promotion decisions easier to make as well as who should play in matches as what. To join Crusaders of Existence please contact one of our leaders through Steam or Taleworlds, please remember that we only accept players from European states and that are able to be active daily.
Contact Information | Roster | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||