SP Medieval Crusader - Byzantine Glory

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WARNING!!! THIS MOD IS NOT MINE. I'm just showing my friend mod to you.

Heres the link.http://www.mbrepository.com/modules/PDdownloads/visit.php?cid=7&lid=1190

it is 1456.its been three years since the Ottomans took Constantinople for what the Latins didnt hundreds of years ago the Ottomans did. yet you were the lost prince of Byzantium, and you would of accepted Ottoman rule but when you were fighting the Ottomans on the walls of Constantinople you saw your fellow men cruelly being beheaded, innocent citizens being slaughtered and that put anger in your heart.




The following factions will be here.
Kingdom Of Cyprus.
Byzantine. (once you capture a caste from the ottomans you will have your own troop tree.)
The Holy Order. (45% done, need to rename troops and get lords names done)
The Ottoman Empire.(80%done) lords and towns need to be renamed.
You have your own troop tree.
New dialogue
Musket units.
Possible random events like crusades and such once you restore Byzantium
New Map (not implemented - my friend have computer problems and can't move cities)

@Source: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=223178

LOOKING FOR A PERSON flavius brutus. He has to do map for my friend.
Well mate,if you want this thread considered with attention,you'll need to put in more effort.
I surely am not attracted to downloading a mod about which I'm only shown pictures that seriously lack quality,and bring nothing new to the game.
You should maybe put some of the things which you've already done,instead of a long list of "what is gonna be in this mod".
And maybe you should explain the factions,form troop trees,the new weapon/armor/units if there are,etc etc.
Maybe a story will help.

UnholyNighmare said:
1450's nevertheless.

You're wrong, the official fall of Constantinople (and Byzantium) was 1453.
He says it's 3 years since so isn't that right?
Wallachus said:
To be extremelly accurate, Constantinople fell into Turkish hands on May, 29th, 1453 AD.

Not accurate enough. It was Noon at 13:34 and 23 seconds May 29th, 1453 AD.
butscrew said:
Wallachus said:
To be extremelly accurate, Constantinople fell into Turkish hands on May, 29th, 1453 AD.

Not accurate enough. It was Noon at 13:34 and 23 seconds May 29th, 1453 AD.

Third time this day I laugh at shalictar jokes. Did you had clown for breakfast shalictar.

Keep up the good sense of humor I often find the forums lack it.
What this mod basically needs to be good is accuracy, and that's what it's lacking.

For 1456 the faction list should read;

Ottoman Turks
Black Sheep Turks
Kingdom of Cyprus
Despotate of the Morea
Duchy of Athens
Empire of Trebizond
Kingdom of Hungary (should be included)
Albanian rebels
Venetian Republic
Probably Transylvania
Knights of Saint John
Genoese Colonies

And possibly a couple minor ones I've forgotten. I am thinking of making a small 1452 mod sometime (as Contantinople's independence balances the map somewhat).
Oh god another crusader mod. so far ive seen about 5 crusader mods now this. WHEN WILL IT END?!?! (thats a joke) But i agree with the guy who made the either second or third post that you should really update this mod with the graphics, whats already done, the history, and stuff like that.
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