Crouched Lance?

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I get crouch lanced alot in the arena and im wondering how you do that...the tutorial from the guy in the first tavern doesnt tell you any buttons or nothing.
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lance type weapon (one handed polearm) plus horse plus speed = crouched lance

get to a high speed, while holding yr weapon out, and you will 'crouch' it, never use the attack button.

i dont think any 'lamed' horse can do a crouched lance, and im not sure about normal sumpters either, but spirited sumpter and above should be able to do it...

also, going up hills, through rivers, anythign that slows you down, will uncrouch the lance
is it not couched not crouched? any way all you have to do is simply press forward arrow and your guy will lower his lance automatically then just charge into a guy with the tip of ur lance and bang instant death
The first time i saw couched lance damage! on the screen i though i was getting owned by my own lance, i though i hit it in the ground or a wall. Then i noticed i wasnt getting damage, then i started thinking of sofa's and furnitures but couldnt figure out how those would have anything in common with it, later on when i learned it myself i knew what it meant :lol:
Haven't quite managed to master this technique yet. Must admit though haven't managed to use a lance very well at all!! Oh well, practice, practice, practice...
Cataphract said:
The first time i saw couched lance damage! on the screen i though i was getting owned by my own lance, i though i hit it in the ground or a wall. Then i noticed i wasnt getting damage, then i started thinking of sofa's and furnitures but couldnt figure out how those would have anything in common with it, later on when i learned it myself i knew what it meant :lol:

Lucky you... I had to learn it the hard way. Got wasted in the first pass by a lancer in the arena. That got me stirring to know about it. Now it is my preferred way to kill (it is damn fun).
Have now managed to achieve couched lance and its great!!! I love the way you just obliterate most things with one hit. However, I haven't managed to master it yet and miss more often than I hit.
Couched lance is darn fun. It's the easiest way to kill early on. Fight in the arena till you can afford a courser ~2800 and a great lance ~1900 or jousting lance~1400. Then go kill some river pirates or better yet enslave em and get rich.

Your polearm proficiency skyrockets. At the beginning, you'll do around 60 damage or so on an average hit. Soon, it is beyond 100 and you can kill anyone with it.
Someone wrote double sided lance sucks. Is that true? Is the great lance better? I gave Borcha double sided lance and he is very adept with it. Or the great lance is better only for the player, depending only on couched lance damage?
KirbyTheHunter said:
I get crouch lanced alot in the arena and im wondering how you do that...the tutorial from the guy in the first tavern doesnt tell you any buttons or nothing.

Actually, one of the three tournament 'heroes' will tell you the secret of the couched lance if you talk with him in the tavern.

(I had been 'arming' my lance with the left-click and doing pitful damage with it before stumbling upon that.)
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