Crossbows using different projectiles

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I need to make crossbows to use different types of bolts, let's say you have a crossbow and it uses all bolts except the "Repeater Crossbow Cartridges" and the Repeater Crossbow uses only the "Repeater Crossbow Cartridges". How can I do that?
Hmm...that's a tricky one. My only idea would be to add a script to all the crossbows which on activation tests all the bolts on the agent's inventory (only if agent is a companion or player) then sets the ammo to 0 using troop_inventory_slot_set_item_amount.

You'll need to make a for loop like this to check if there are bolts equipt.
    (try_for_range, ":cur_slot", 0, 4),#equipment slots
      (troop_get_inventory_slot, ":cur_item", "trp_player", ":cur_slot"),
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