Crossbows: Loaded/loading/unloaded display

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I'm sure I'm not the only one who wonders "is it reloaded yet? Can I move yet? Did I reload after the last shot I made?" when firing crossbows.

As a generalization of this, an indication of how much ammo is in the weapon would be nice, as opposed to how much ammo the character is carrying. For crossbows / muskets this would always be 0-1, for revolvers 0-6, for shotguns 0-12 or more, for assault rifles 0-30... Ahem. :grin:
Just look at your crossbow. See arrow - it means that it ready for a shot. I don't think that for this any additional display needed.
JetJedi said:
Just look at your crossbow. See arrow - it means that it ready for a shot. I don't think that for this any additional display needed.

Yup, I know. But I'd rather be looking at the enemy than staring at my crossbow wondering when the loading animation is complete.

More importantly:

Zoomed mode = can't see crossbow.

Also, on horseback at certain angles = can't see crossbow.

What I'm asking for is a number in a corner of the screen. Nothing fancy. Just a readout like the HP readout.
Wouldn't it be of too much luxury? I mean even zooming system is not realistic (although I don't know when goggles were first invented). It is not that difficult to stop zooming for a while to check if you have loaded your crossbow. They are already nice weapons anyway :wink:
GAAAAH no more HUD Displays... Seriösly.

You CAN see the arrow on the crossbow. HOW HARD IS THAT
It takes a half millisecond second to look if its loaded

The HUD as it is now is so good it can be. If there is going to get more functions then it must be good.
Hm, ok, no extra HUD. How about have the reticle disappear or change appearance somehow when the crossbow is unloaded?
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