Crippling your own horse

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Knight at Arms
Old Guard
Does any body else do this? I have lost three horses in the last three or four days... good expensive ones too. Usually its because I'm riding too fast looking behind me shooting at some bandits. Then I look around and see myself floating through the air the next thing I get is *horse crippled - 70 points of damage*. I just went full speed over a steep cliff without realizing it. :smile:
I'm always pretty carefull with my really expensive horses, often i'll dismount when i think they're close to being killed, but i've still crippled a good deal of my own horses through carelessness. Don't tell the PETA.
Yeah now I dismount before combat and only get back on my horse if there's one stupid mounted bandit with a bow left. I don't like running around for half an hour just to finish the mission.
as a lancer, it's very hard to keep my horse from getting crippled. Especially at low levels like 1-20. I think horses get crippled way too often. If they really want to make it realistic, horses should start to get slower during the battle if they've taken lots of damage, and then maybe if they continue to get hit there's a small chance they get permanent damage (maybe 30-50%), but right now it seems like there's atleast a 60% chance that a fallen horse gets crippled. And it takes sooooooo long for it to heal. You might as well just chop it up for a year's supply of meat :smile:
Well, isn't a real horse likely to be crippled when you swing a sword into its legs? I think Armagan is being kind by having such a low chance of horse death.
sheek said:
Does any body else do this? I have lost three horses in the last three or four days... good expensive ones too.

I try to deliberately cripple my stubborn horses; it is really hard to do it by choice. If you don't want to cripple your horse, use a fast but stubborn horse, and it'll last for a great many battles.

(Don't forget that you can nurse a lame horse back to health, 30 days for 1 unit of skill in wound management).

I think that so far, I've only crippled two horses. One was because I attempted to jump a river, but the bank was apparently a little too high. The other one was when my horse was shot out from under me. Other than that though -- and I'm at day 120 -- none of my horses have been crippled.

Of course, I have Surgery 6, Wound Treatment 3 and First Aid 3. Might have something to do with it.
you cannot.

you can only gauge it really. a horse has about 60 health, so if you ride through a bunch of enemies and you got 'horse recieved 23 damage' 'horse recieved 21 damage' then you know your horse doesn't have much more time left in this world.
Yep. Saddle horses have exactly 57 HP.

Coursers about the same.

Warhorses and hunters as well as charger have more.

Never got a charger crippled in combat. Seem more durable. However, I use coursers more as the speed suits my style.

As long as you don't jump stupidly, you'll be fine.

Once the horsie takes around 40-50 or so damage, consider dismounting.

Doing this makes for no crippled horses in more than 100 game days.
I figure i have too much money for something.. and its for stocking up on horses so i can happily jump off cliffs into packs of enemies for 2 seconds of looking cool and a few bodies of the enemy. But theres one bastard i just can cripple. hes a spirited charger. Ive jumped off the highest of cliffs at full speed... he's just unbreakable. sometimes he just lands and doesnt even take damage! Even from good hieghts! What a legend.

Anyway. i have 1.4 million in the bank and an army of 76. they have to eat something. Lame chargers are their favourite.
I actualy enjoy jumping off cliffs, not that I do it very often, but it's tempting. As a lancer, it I do tend to lose horses, as such I always have a few extras. I love lancing... especialy nocking guys off there horses... twas fun.
@LB, yes I'm quite sure.

I battled dark knights often. In a single battle, I delivered 56, 57 and 58 damage to different horses all upon the first charge (namely, those horses were damaged by other blows). The latter two cases had them doing down.
Perhaps my experience was with a Heavy Saddle Horse, then, because I sliced it open for 58 and it stayed up.
has anyone ver found an area with 2 cliffs opposite each other over a small river but very high up and jumped them?

on my ssuper fast horse that i modded i have jumped small rivers loads of times.
I've been in areas like that, but Spirited Chargers are too rare for me to waste trying to jump cliffs like that. :razz:
sheek said:
Does any body else do this? I have lost three horses in the last three or four days... good expensive ones too. Usually its because I'm riding too fast looking behind me shooting at some bandits. Then I look around and see myself floating through the air the next thing I get is *horse crippled - 70 points of damage*. I just went full speed over a steep cliff without realizing it. :smile:

That's one reason why I stopped using ranged weapons. Lost 3 spirited coursers in 3 battles that way. Now I just have my (replacement) spirited coursers and some damn good axes and swords. Runnign circles around even dark knights makes it much easier to knock their little heads off.
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