EDIT: I tried to create a new throwing axe with the unofficial editor, and when I tried to throw it in-game, it just played the sound. It did not show the animation, or do damage. I deleted the new axe, and then remade them using this method. The result was a perfectly working throwing axe.
It's simple, and I do realize I have posted this already. This is for easier access to my "tutorial." I will also save this tutorial to a .txt and host it, putting a link at the bottom of this post. Thank you for your patience.
First step: Find & Open item_kinds1.txt.
The default location of item_kinds1.txt is --- C
rogram FilesMount&BladeModsNative. Go to this folder, and open up item_kinds1.txt using your preferred text editing program (i.e. notepad)
Second step: Creating a New Item
To do this, find an item of the same type that you want to create. For example, if I wanted to create another throwing axe, I would find the Throwing Axes line in the list of items. An item in item_kinds1.txt looks like this ---
throwing_axes francisca 541106192 196608 3035 4630511616 881350938741504 8388616
The first word(s) is the name of the item (throwing_axes), the second word(s) is the name of the mesh used for it (francisca). If I wanted to create a new, more powerful throwing axe, I would copy this line and paste it at the bottom. Then, scroll up to the top of the item_kinds1.txt file, you should see a 3 digit number at the very top, left hand side. This is the total number of items currently in the list. To make sure your item shows up inside the game, add 1 to this number (i.e. if the number was 217, change it to 21
Third Step: Changing the name of your item
In order to change the name of your item, you must find the item on the list (if you followed the instructions so far, it would be at the bottom of list). You must only change the FIRST WORD(S) OF AN ITEM! Example, for throwing axes ---
throwing_axes francisca 541106192 196608 3035 4630511616 881350938741504 8388616
You would only change throwing_axes, and not francisca, unless you want to change the mesh. To change the name, highlight the first word(s) (in this case, throwing_axe) and type what you want the name to be. Do not use capitals, and do not use space. If you have a space in the item name, change it to an underscore ( _ ). For example, I made a new throwing axe in my game, and named it flying_axe. In the game, this shows up as Flying Axe when I mouseover the item.
Fourth Step: Changing the properties of your new item
To change the properties (attack damage, speed, quantity, etc.) you must download the Unofficial Editor. First, you must load your files in to the Editor, by browsing for the folder containing them. The default folder is:
rogram FilesMount&BladeModsNative
copy-paste this in to the text field at the top, and click load to load the files in to the editor. Once you have done this, click the "Items" tab, located on the top-left side of the editor. Scroll down until you find your new item on the list (it will be at the very bottom) and click it. Change the properties to your liking, but keep these things in mind:
The Max Value for any item stat is 255.
Velocity on bows increases the speed of arrows shot from it.
High damage on bows decreases accuracy substantialy.
The highest recommended speed for horses is 20. (opinion)
The Lower the Price, the more often it shows up on vendors.
Then, once you are pleased with the item's properties, click Save at the top.
Final Step: Testing your new item (the fun part)
Boot up the game, and, if you are on a save game, you must wait one (1) day before looking for your item. Go to a Tavern and rest for a while. If you are making a new game, you don't have to wait to get your new item. After you have waited or made a new game, simply go around to the different merchants to find the item! If your item is a horse or something you can only get at merchants, then it will only show up on merchants. If it is a weapon or shield, it will show up on Weapon Vendors, etc. etc.
If the weapon is expensive, the chances of it showing up are lower. For example, an item that cost 100 denars would show up more often than an item that costed 10,000 denars. Once you have bought your item, go attack a group of river pirates to test it out
You can go back to the editor to change things, if you want to.
Thank you for reading my tutorial, and have fun making new items
It's simple, and I do realize I have posted this already. This is for easier access to my "tutorial." I will also save this tutorial to a .txt and host it, putting a link at the bottom of this post. Thank you for your patience.
First step: Find & Open item_kinds1.txt.
The default location of item_kinds1.txt is --- C
Second step: Creating a New Item
To do this, find an item of the same type that you want to create. For example, if I wanted to create another throwing axe, I would find the Throwing Axes line in the list of items. An item in item_kinds1.txt looks like this ---
throwing_axes francisca 541106192 196608 3035 4630511616 881350938741504 8388616
The first word(s) is the name of the item (throwing_axes), the second word(s) is the name of the mesh used for it (francisca). If I wanted to create a new, more powerful throwing axe, I would copy this line and paste it at the bottom. Then, scroll up to the top of the item_kinds1.txt file, you should see a 3 digit number at the very top, left hand side. This is the total number of items currently in the list. To make sure your item shows up inside the game, add 1 to this number (i.e. if the number was 217, change it to 21
Third Step: Changing the name of your item
In order to change the name of your item, you must find the item on the list (if you followed the instructions so far, it would be at the bottom of list). You must only change the FIRST WORD(S) OF AN ITEM! Example, for throwing axes ---
throwing_axes francisca 541106192 196608 3035 4630511616 881350938741504 8388616
You would only change throwing_axes, and not francisca, unless you want to change the mesh. To change the name, highlight the first word(s) (in this case, throwing_axe) and type what you want the name to be. Do not use capitals, and do not use space. If you have a space in the item name, change it to an underscore ( _ ). For example, I made a new throwing axe in my game, and named it flying_axe. In the game, this shows up as Flying Axe when I mouseover the item.
Fourth Step: Changing the properties of your new item
To change the properties (attack damage, speed, quantity, etc.) you must download the Unofficial Editor. First, you must load your files in to the Editor, by browsing for the folder containing them. The default folder is:
copy-paste this in to the text field at the top, and click load to load the files in to the editor. Once you have done this, click the "Items" tab, located on the top-left side of the editor. Scroll down until you find your new item on the list (it will be at the very bottom) and click it. Change the properties to your liking, but keep these things in mind:
The Max Value for any item stat is 255.
Velocity on bows increases the speed of arrows shot from it.
High damage on bows decreases accuracy substantialy.
The highest recommended speed for horses is 20. (opinion)
The Lower the Price, the more often it shows up on vendors.
Then, once you are pleased with the item's properties, click Save at the top.
Final Step: Testing your new item (the fun part)
Boot up the game, and, if you are on a save game, you must wait one (1) day before looking for your item. Go to a Tavern and rest for a while. If you are making a new game, you don't have to wait to get your new item. After you have waited or made a new game, simply go around to the different merchants to find the item! If your item is a horse or something you can only get at merchants, then it will only show up on merchants. If it is a weapon or shield, it will show up on Weapon Vendors, etc. etc.
If the weapon is expensive, the chances of it showing up are lower. For example, an item that cost 100 denars would show up more often than an item that costed 10,000 denars. Once you have bought your item, go attack a group of river pirates to test it out
You can go back to the editor to change things, if you want to.
Thank you for reading my tutorial, and have fun making new items