Creating new towns

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Knight at Arms
Old Guard
Has anybody tried creating a new town on a part of the map where there wasn't anything?

I was having a look at the game files and it seems the coordinates are kept in a simple txt file. I am thinking of simply copying all the data about one town to and pasting it, then changing the name and the coordinates.

If you wanted a real town and not just a menu you could copy all the data about Zendar along with the 'Interior' folder files about Zendar and make a new town which is an exact copy... then make modifications.

Can it be that simple?
sheek said:
Can it be that simple?
Yup. The copied town will however point to the same sites as the original. That means there will be the exactly same locations, NPCs and merchants.

To make a real city you have to add new sites too.
True for the rendered/3d towns. But for the 'Menu Towns' you could customize them pretty much any way you wanted.
sheek said:
True for the rendered/3d towns. But for the 'Menu Towns' you could customize them pretty much any way you wanted.
Yeah, but you still need to add new entries in 'sites.txt' and create links to that new sites if you want a menu town to be really different from the original ones.
Hardclyff, do you think you can give me a full tutorial on how to make new towns and cities since I'm kind of new when it comes to Computer Gaming? :?: :?: :?:
holybandit said:
Well, i was thinking...Why doesnt the modders just make the game and the devs dont? They sure are a hell of alot faster :?:

That's probably quite incorrect actually , lol

Whilst the modder's are "fast" , there are...what? 40 or so (maybe) of them , how many dev's are there? 2....

Now calculate who has done more for the game so far , the 2 dev's or 40 modder's.

It work's out that the dev's work alot faster then the modder's , but then they have the appropriate tool's and we don't heh.

Also Armagan is a hell of a programmer.
Yeah, Im not a programmer, I just twiddle a few things here and there. Id much rather have the slow adding of brand new features from a programmer like Armagan over some minor text file editing from the modders like myself.
On topic:
Next versions of M&B will be really great because we'll be able to change the world map, add new sites, new items (with models).

Off topic:

Modding is a bit different than actually realizing a full game (engine and content). When making an engine you have to consider how all the systems will function (including making them work on variable hardware), all the way down to how each pixel is draw onto the screen. You also have to make content and formats for that content (and most of M&B's are proprietary, meaning Armagan had to write code for every one of the game's formats (loading, saving, use in other functions etc.). You have to think about sound and sound hardware, and what kind of impact it makes on performance and all kinds of other headaches. I haven't finished any of the games I've made so far (eh...I'm that way, something will strike my fancy and I'll put everything away for a while then come back in a few months. My ninja game will be out in a beta format in a few weeks Some graphics I've made), but I've done enough to know how much crap can weigh you down when writing games.
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