create my own faction

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i have been playing mount and blade for quite a while now anbut have come to the point where i am getting a bit bored, i would like to build my own kingdom and as would a friend of mine who also plays mount and blade, so what we are asking is, is there a way in a mod or something for us to create our own kingdom.

we know you can be like a rebel and take a city but then the whole world comes after you and it gets past a joke with the number of ememies, thanks for any help. :smile:
there are some good mods with kingdom managment you know like sword of damocles (my sig) hmm lord and realms is good 2

and in native you can only be a rebel with a claimant or without 1 oh and age of machinery i just remembered

hope i helped

Crroatian said:
there are some good mods with kingdom managment you know like sword of damocles (my sig) hmm lord and realms is good 2

and in native you can only be a rebel with a claimant or without 1 oh and age of machinery i just remembered

hope i helped

thanks, i might give them a go
my fave for creating your own faction etc and using a chosen army at the beginning is sword of Democles. you get to choose from like 4-5 difference factions to try to take over the map with, good fun  :razz:
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