If all goes well, when the mod tools come out, we should hopefully see an insane influx of new content from the community. Think Samurai Armor, roman/greek equipment, native american head dresses, whatever, the possibilities are limitless. So, on to my question.
Given unlimited content, unconstrained by time and space, what equiptment setup would you like to see in action?
I'll start... the spartinja. That's right, a cross between a spartan and a ninja. This guy's got his spartan armor over his ninja bodysuit, and carries both a spear and a midsize katana, for infighting. Not to mention throwing stars and caltrops.
Unequaled in single or large scale combat (spartinjas in a phalanx formation pwned all) the spartinjas nearly took over the entire know world, held back solely by the fact that, you know, they don't really exist.
Given unlimited content, unconstrained by time and space, what equiptment setup would you like to see in action?
I'll start... the spartinja. That's right, a cross between a spartan and a ninja. This guy's got his spartan armor over his ninja bodysuit, and carries both a spear and a midsize katana, for infighting. Not to mention throwing stars and caltrops.
Unequaled in single or large scale combat (spartinjas in a phalanx formation pwned all) the spartinjas nearly took over the entire know world, held back solely by the fact that, you know, they don't really exist.