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Well, I downloaded the mod and it runs fine for the first couple of days. Then on my second game/account/save I went into a battle with a khergit army vs Veagirs. Everything was fine, like 200 fps, then suddenly it crashes, for no apparent reason. This seems to happen sometime after I lance some one. Its not my computer's problem, the game runs at like 200 fps. So if anyone could offer suggestions that would be helpful, thanks.


P.S. Great mod!
MountandBladeKinsman said:
Well, I downloaded the mod and it runs fine for the first couple of days. Then on my second game/account/save I went into a battle with a khergit army vs Veagirs. Everything was fine, like 200 fps, then suddenly it crashes, for no apparent reason. This seems to happen sometime after I lance some one. Its not my computer's problem, the game runs at like 200 fps. So if anyone could offer suggestions that would be helpful, thanks.


P.S. Great mod!

OK but we need more info lance type,horse name,speed of horse in moment of impact,name of the victim,place and time :smile:

Seriously lower textures to 50% and see if it crashed considering you entered battle with khergit and veagirs army there were 400-500 troops? and your battlesizer is set to?

Also you cant have 200fps at all time... :smile: i got 60 fps and thats what i set in max frame rate...still when 2 big armies crash i got 30 i doubt you have always 200 fps...
Hmm, ok, time for more detail. Ok, thats true there is a framerate dip, it drops to about 30-45 fps when the armies collide. My battlesizer is set to 150. I figured out that If I am in that battle long enough It crashes, even if I dont lance/kill anyone. It stutters then crashes. It only happens in that battle too, theres about 1000 khergits vs about 180 vageirs.
Chel said:
try limiting the number of corpses

Hm i just notice something with my battlesizer at 400 and 30-60+ fps i noticed fev thing that i dont pay atention...and you can turn them i will try with 500 battlesizer becouse i turn off fev extra things :

-Shadows...only turn off units and player shadows...other leave on if you turn all of well game will look like crap...
-Bodies well i dont count them any way...and for some reason there are still laying there i think they disapear after fev sec so you can still laught if some one dies funny way...
-Particles i think its idea what its doing but its faster...
-Grass...i always had it set to 0...too much grass and you dont see bodies...
-Textures to 0 belive it or not but actually you dont see ANY difreance in action...
-Anisotropic filtering...not usefull you wont notice it...

Other my setting are at MAX except resolution and its set a 1280x800 i love this resolution...even my monitor can support 1680x1050 i only use it in windows...
FrisianDude said:
Sometimes the same thing happens with the very first kill. I had it crash as well when I wanted to quick-save on the map. :lol:

Hm so you PC sucks :smile: any way lower textures gives bigest speed and stability kick...
I seem to remember that there was a texty way to change corpse and ragdoll numbers without being limited to just 40 and 10? Does anyone know how to do that?
I limited the amount of corpses and that pretty much works, exept for some small error issues during large sieges and stuff. Lol, Im biting my fingernails whenever the game stutters *thinks* is it gonna crash? Anyways thanks. I just realized that there are more than 1 ladder at a siege. The amount of blood that comes out of a man is a lot, and I like it, but is the main cause of lag lol, it makes the game lag more than the sheer amount of 150 people on the map.
I had a freguent RGL error in big battles and sieges, but after I lowered my amount of corpses to 10 and texture qiality from 100 to 50%, it works like a dream, I just conquered Reyvadin and it worked like a dream, no lag at all!
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