Crashing into the ocean at terminal velocity?

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Well, guys i just watched Final Destination which featured a guy on a plane about to take off in which he dreamed of the plane exploding after takeoff. A more detailed explanation below:
well, the guy was dreaming that he was on the plane after takeoff with many ominous things happening, when the plane took off, the fuel tank exploded and one side of the plane was like blasted out and it sort of becomes a black hole. People sitting near the hole that had opened was sucked out along with the chair they were sitting on. I figure they must be above the ocean since it looks like that to me.
So my point is, what will happen to the people who was blasted out of the plane and into the water below if their velocity was that of a terminal velocity, will they be totally crushed when they hit the water surface or will they just be sucked into the water and drown when their chair crashes into the water below them like what happens when a ship sinks.
Firstly: that doesn't happen when a ship sinks anyway :roll:

Secondly, when they hit the water doing 200oddkm/h, (if they're even awake. if they're high up they'll pass out from lack of oxygen), most bones in their body will be broken, as its a very hard impact. Probably won't break any skin though.
sorry, because i thought that a sinking ship will cause a big whirlpool that sucks everything in. Pardon me for my ignorance.  :mrgreen: So do people still die if they hit a large ballistic jelly at terminal velocity?:mrgreen: Illogically and literally speaking.
Yes. Your going from 120-0 (Or damn near close) in a second... I've heard it's similar to hitting Concrete at terminal velocity, in that your dead either way :razz:. No, going from 120 to near 0, your organs get to suffer from the wonder of inertia... as do your bones, who encounter a crapload of resistance upon hitting the water and shatter.
If they hit just about anything at terminal velocity, they can kiss their asses goodbye.
Ok, so if i ever flew down at terminal velocity i'll try to land with my head and not my ass so i would not have the face to say goobye to my a**.
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