Crashing in battles

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King Ragnar

This is really starting to annoy me, when in battles i get random crashes, it could be any battle, the computer will just freeze. Has anybody got any soloutions :?:

I am using a Radeon 9600se 128mb, also in battles my average fps is about 130, is this normal?

Thanks for any replies
King Ragnar,

Are you using version 0.703?

Other than the standard, 'update your drivers, reinstall DirectX, and/or uninstall and then reinstall M&B' ... I don't know what advice to offer.

Do what I usually do in games, change options around until it works. :razz: Also exit all other programs. Also into msconfig and stop all startup/services that should not be there. Personally I was getting a lot of crashes until I played around with the configuration a bit. I turned the fps down to 60 as well, no idea if that actually helped anything, but after messing aroind with the config a bit, I haven't had a crash since. Way I see it, it can't exactly hurt, anything about 30 fps is hard to see by the eye, cable tv is only like 28 fps anyway.
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