crashing battle operating system

What Operating System do you run?

  • Windows 98/ME or lower (no crashes)

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  • Windows 98/ME or lower (crashes)

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  • Windows 2000 (no crashes)

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  • Windows 2000 (crashes)

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  • Windows XP (no crashes)

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  • Windows XP (crashes)

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I just wanted to throw this poll out there, I am curious if it's OS dependant because I crash alot during battles and I have 2000, while my friend has XP and has never crashed.

EDIT so everyone reads this before voting:

armagan said:
That will be very helpful. Just a quick note, if you get an assertion failure and hit retry instead of ignore (and consequently the game crashes) do not consider that a crash, since it is a know issue.
I had crashes during battles when I was heavily uses cheats. In my legit game, no crashes. However, it only seemed to happen when I was higher level in my cheaty game.
ok, I've never used the cheats, and my character is level 24. I always crash in the battles, when I'm not really doing anything special. I remember one time it crashed when I told my army to mount horses.

I have the battle size bar set the the max, I wonder if that has to do with anything? Everyone post what they were doing at the time of the crash + what settings you have it on etc.
lol, am I the only one thats not getting crashes? Im using windows ME. (god, ME sucks lol)

No ingame crashes, but I do get a bit of weirdness. I have to turn off my antivirus before running the game. After I start and later exit the game, I have to restart my computer before I can start it a second time. (Get lots of errors if I try to do *anything* other than the game during and after it has run).

It gets a bit weird if I try to do anything else after running the game... so basically its: Start computer fresh, close antivirus, run game, have fun, close game, restart computer again. But other than that ive experienced no crashes. (Well, I got a few errors, but I can just click ignore, and its mostly when I try to do something goofy, like I tried to level up Marnid with the cheat via the party window - apparently that doesnt work, too bad - marnid never gets experience lol).
That will be very helpful. Just a quick note, if you get an assertion failure and hit retry instead of ignore (and consequently the game crashes) do not consider that a crash, since it is a know issue.
WinXP SP2 here...and frequent crashes. Turning my battle size down to 1/3rd or below helped reduce them considerably and I suspect that having it set to minimum would eradicate the crashes completely. I'm running a fairly beefy system, so it's a bit annoying that I have to turn down battle size :sad:
I have gotten crashes before, although they're VERY infrequent with Windows XP with no SP.

In fact, I cant remember a crash since 623 has come out.

Maybe one of those assertion RGL_Between() crashes.

But really, way less then say....republic commando demo....grrrrr
Last time i got a crash, i tied to shoot from horseback. sometimes it works, sometimes it crashes.
I dont know if this has been mentioned before, but msn messenger seems to cause the game to crash when entering a battle, at least turning it off fixed the problem for me.

edit. Im using Windows XP
Using XP. Lots of crashes during battles. The game just shuts down, no errors, nothing. Very annoying.
I only recently got crashes and they stopped. It's got to be during a certain time I think.
I am running XP with SP2 and the only time it crashes for me is when I attempt to minimise it, do something else and then reopen. Occasionally it works, occasionally it doesn't.
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