Crashes halfway battle

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I don't know if this should be posted here or in the bug report topic, but here's my problem.
My faction is the Nords and I use a battle sizer wich currently stands on 350.
When i fight  a huge battle with 250+ men on the field, the game stops, and shuts itself down.
I tried already to put the sizes on 150, but still the same thing happens.

Can anyone help me please?

Sammy The Bad from the Nords
The battles you do , there are too many men on field. Try to use size 140. I used 500 , it crashed for me too sometimes. I turned to 140 then it worked well and even didnt lag.
Nebulaoblivion said:
Could also try turning down the corpse and ragdoll amounts
Ohh that's why! totally forgot about it! i put both on unlimited on Native but forgot to change when playing Mods! Will try once I finish my "Full System Scan". Hmm 140 Troops in the battlefield, so tactic=useless?
EDIT: Yes Got It To Work! I put below unlimited and although it lag a lot, but no crash! also my battle sizer is on 200 so its still good but not more that that!
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