Resolved Crash when proposing peace 1.4.2

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I'm continuing my game from 1.4.1 beta and I'm on 1.4.2 . Had my own kingdom. The game crashes immediately when I click the propose button when trying to propose peace. I'm trying to propose peach with Kuzaits.
Windows 10
16gb Ram
rtx 2700.
Similar issue. Have kingdom from 1.4.1 beta now in 1.4.2 beta. I am at war with vlandia. Game crashes if I try to make peace OR declare war on any other country. If I just continue warring no other crashes.

Amd 3700x
32gb ram
The same story (1.4.2 beta) . Game crashes every time when I propose peace in diplomacy menu.

Windows 10
32gb Ram
gtx 1080.
I can reproduce it for new campaign on 1.4.2 version with NO mods:
  1. Create new character
  2. Using console(alt + `):
    1. Activate cheat mode
    2. Add renown to clan in order to be able to join kingdoms
    3. Add at least 100 influence
    4. Turn cheat off
  3. Join any kingdom
  4. Make save just in case
From here whenever i try to navigate to Kingdom -> Diplomacy tab and click propose for any peace or war i get crash no matter what combination i choose after loading save from step 4.
Happened to me as well. I've found out it's a bug in MakePeaceDecisionVM and DeclareWarDecisionItemVM classes. Overridden InitValues() method is called from DecisionItemBaseVM base class, which tries to access TargetFaction property, but cannot because derived class constructor has not finished execution and therefore _declareWarDecision is null. This was a change from e1.4.1 to e1.4.2. For example in MakePeaceDecisionVM:

public IFaction TargetFaction
    get => (_decision as MakePeaceKingdomDecision).FactionToMakePeaceWith;

public IFaction TargetFaction
    get => _declareWarDecision.FactionToMakePeaceWith;

Hope this helps.
Forwarding this issue to the QA team for further investigation. Thanks for reporting. In the meantime, can you share your save files? You can use a cloud service and post an open link on this thread.
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