Need More Info Crash when attacking with melee weapons

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Yes, I used mods.


hi how are you, excuse me friends there is an ugly crash when I try to attack others in single player mode, when I want to attack the other AI soldiers with a melee weapon it does not recognize the hit and I cannot hurt or kill them with a melee weapon, I can only kill or hurt them with arrows or throwable weapons, this error only happens in the campaign because when I play custom battle I can do damage with melee weapons, I do not know why the failure is due but what I have done is that I use the developer console with cheats, please fix that error in the next update please... thanks
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Please note that we can’t support any modding-related issues. You can find more information about how to remove modifications here and more information about what we think about issues related to modding here.
If you can reproduce the issue in a new, un-modded and verified campaign please let us know!
Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
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