Crash to desktop for no apparent reason

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Master Knight
I had just sold a few slaves in Zhendar, and as I walk toward the tavern, without warning I find myself at the desktop, as if I never started the application.

Note to self: Save game more often.
The one currently downloadable, which I take to be the most recent one: 0.704. I see from your sig, however, that you're saying the current version is 0.710. Is this so? How come it's not the one uploaded on the main site?
When Armagan gets a new update uploaded ... he comes here and tells us first. We all goof around with it and discuss problems we might be having, etc.

It is a good safety measure on the off-chance that he missed a huge and horrid game-stopper.

Sounds reasonable. I have now upgraded, though, so we'll see if the problem appears again. But it might have been just a one time incident at any rate.
Well, a similar thing happened in my fresh install of .710. I was in Zendar and about to talk to the arena master to claim my money after a fight, and as I pressed the action key the game just disappeared on me. No warning, no error message, no nothing. Just the desktop. This has only happened once, mind you, and may or may not have had anything to do with what I was actually doing (though I'm no expert).
Kissaki, I've had the same thing happen once with the arena master, when I tried to talk to him after winning a tournament. It only happened the one time though, so definitely not an easy one to reproduce.
Nairagorn said:
I'm having a similar issue, CTD whenever I talk to Ramun the slavetrader. Happens every time I talk to him.
Did you get through any dialog with him, or did it begin that before you even got his intro speech? Probably not something I can track down, but it's remotely possible it has to do with dialog scripting (or a variable used), and I've been editing the dialogs lately in Python. <shrug> Worth a shot.
Well, so much for the idea of it being something I could help track down. :???:

In the intro dialog, there is only one variable changed at the very start and no deviations from regular text output, besides switching the view between Ramun and the player until the conversation ends.

I haven't had a problem talking to him yet myself, though I did have a second instant CTD earlier trying to talk to the tournament master.

Huh. I just hope the problem gets fixed in the next version. :smile:
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